With this Chart you can run FiveM (GTA V MOD SERVER) it will automatically download the latest version or if you want to updated it yourself set the ‘Manual Updates’ (in the 'Show more settings' tab down below) to ‘true’ (without quotes). The Chart will automatically extract it and download all other required files (resources, server.cfg). You can get fx.tar.xz from here: https://runtime.fivem.net/artifacts/fivem/build_proot_linux/master/ To run this Chart you must provide a valid Server Key (you can get them from here: https://keymaster.fivem.net/) and your prefered Server Name.
**This chart is not maintained by the upstream project and any issues with the chart should be raised [here](https://github.com/truecharts/charts/issues/new/choose)**
To upgrade, rollback or delete this Chart from TrueNAS SCALE check our [Quick-Start Guide](https://truecharts.org/docs/manual/SCALE%20Apps/Upgrade-rollback-delete-an-App).
Other values may be used from the [values.yaml](https://github.com/truecharts/library-charts/tree/main/charts/stable/common/values.yaml) from the [common library](https://github.com/k8s-at-home/library-charts/tree/main/charts/stable/common).
If you need to connect this Chart to other Charts on TrueNAS SCALE, please refer to our [Linking Charts Internally](https://truecharts.org/docs/manual/SCALE%20Apps/linking-apps) quick-start guide.