"rawSql":"SELECT t.response_type, max(t.request_Ts) as time, count(*) as cnt from log_entries t \n WHERE $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) and \n t.response_type in ($response_type) and \n t.client_name in ($client_name) and \n (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0)\n group by t.response_type\n order by time",
"title":"Query count by response type",
"rawSql":"SELECT max(t.request_ts) AS time,\n case when t.reason like ''BLOCKED%'' then SPLIT_PART(SPLIT_PART(t.reason,''('',-1), '')'',1) else '''' end AS metric,\n count(t.reason) AS cnt\nFROM log_entries t\nWHERE t.response_type =''BLOCKED''\n AND $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts)\n AND t.client_name in ($client_name)\n AND (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0)\nGROUP BY 2\nORDER BY time",
"title":"Blocked by Blacklist",
"rawSql":"SELECT max(t.request_Ts) as time, t.client_name as metric, count(*) as cnt from log_entries t \n WHERE $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) and \n t.response_type in ($response_type) and \n t.client_name in ($client_name) and \n (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0)\n group by t.client_name\n order by 3 desc",
"title":"Query count by client",
"description":"Top 20 effective top level domain plus one more label",
"rawSql":"SELECT t.effective_tldp as metric, count(*) as value from log_entries t \nWHERE $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) \n and t.response_type in ($response_type) \n and t.client_name in ($client_name) \n and (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0) \n group by t.effective_tldp order by count(*) desc limit 20",
"title":"Top 20 effective TLD+1",
"rawSql":"SELECT t.question_name as metric, count(*) as value from log_entries t \n WHERE $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) and \n t.response_type in ($response_type) and \n t.client_name in ($client_name) and \n (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0) \n group by t.question_name order by count(*) desc limit 20",
"title":"Top 20 queried domains",
"axisLabel":"queries count",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n $__timeGroupAlias(t.request_Ts, ''30m''),\n t.client_name,\n count(*) as c\nFROM log_entries t\nWHERE\n $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) and \n t.response_type in ($response_type) and \n t.client_name in ($client_name) and \n (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0)\nGROUP BY 1,2\nORDER BY 1",
"title":"Queries number per client (30m)",
"rawSql":"SELECT\n EXTRACT(EPOCH from t.request_Ts) as time,\n t.duration_ms\nFROM log_entries t\nWHERE\n $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) and \n t.response_type in ($response_type) and \n t.client_name in ($client_name) and \n (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0)\nORDER BY request_ts",
"title":"Query duration",
"description":"Last 100 queries, newest on top",
"rawSql":"SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH from t.request_Ts) as \"time\", \n t.client_ip as \"client IP\", \n t.client_name as \"client name\", \n t.duration_ms as \"duration in ms\", \n t.response_type as \"response type\", \n t.question_type as \"question type\", \n t.question_name as \"question name\", \n t.effective_tldp as \"effective TLD+1\", \n t.answer as \"answer\" from log_entries t \n WHERE $__timeFilter(t.request_Ts) and \n t.response_type in ($response_type) and \n t.client_name in ($client_name) and \n (length(''$question'') = 0 or POSITION(lower(''$question'') IN t.question_name) > 0) \n order by t.request_Ts desc limit 100",