{{/* Define the secret */}} {{- define "authentik.secret" -}} {{- $authentikSecretName := printf "%s-authentik-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $geoipSecretName := printf "%s-geoip-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $ldapSecretName := printf "%s-ldap-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $proxySecretName := printf "%s-proxy-secret" (include "tc.common.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $token := randAlphaNum 128 | b64enc }} --- {{/* This secrets are loaded on both main authentik container and worker */}} apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $authentikSecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} data: {{/* Secret Key */}} {{- with (lookup "v1" "Secret" .Release.Namespace $authentikSecretName) }} AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY: {{ index .data "AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY" }} {{ $token = index .data "AUTHENTIK_BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN" }} {{- else }} AUTHENTIK_SECRET_KEY: {{ randAlphaNum 32 | b64enc }} {{- end }} AUTHENTIK_BOOTSTRAP_TOKEN: {{ $token }} {{/* Dependencies */}} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PASSWORD: {{ .Values.postgresql.postgresqlPassword | trimAll "\"" | b64enc }} AUTHENTIK_REDIS__PASSWORD: {{ .Values.redis.redisPassword | trimAll "\"" | b64enc }} {{/* Credentials */}} {{- with .Values.authentik.credentials.password }} AUTHENTIK_BOOTSTRAP_PASSWORD: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{/* Mail */}} {{- with .Values.authentik.mail.host }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__HOST: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.authentik.mail.user }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__USERNAME: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.authentik.mail.pass }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__PASSWORD: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.authentik.mail.from }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__FROM: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} --- {{/* This secrets are loaded on geoip container */}} apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $geoipSecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} data: {{/* Credentials */}} {{- with .Values.geoip.account_id }} GEOIPUPDATE_ACCOUNT_ID: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.geoip.license_key }} GEOIPUPDATE_LICENSE_KEY: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{/* Proxy */}} {{- with .Values.geoip.proxy }} GEOIPUPDATE_PROXY: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} {{- with .Values.geoip.proxy_user_pass }} GEOIPUPDATE_PROXY_USER_PASSWORD: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- end }} --- {{/* This secrets are loaded on ldap container */}} apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $ldapSecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} data: {{- with .Values.outposts.ldap.token }} AUTHENTIK_TOKEN: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- else }} AUTHENTIK_TOKEN: {{ $token }} {{- end }} --- {{/* This secrets are loaded on ldap container */}} apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: Opaque metadata: name: {{ $proxySecretName }} labels: {{- include "tc.common.labels" . | nindent 4 }} data: {{- with .Values.outposts.proxy.token }} AUTHENTIK_TOKEN: {{ . | b64enc }} {{- else }} AUTHENTIK_TOKEN: {{ $token }} {{- end }} {{- end }}