image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: tag: latest@sha256:5485c3fe13e73608d6f1f212ac7868dc91096e491ca6c556d20eeb1791da7447 securityContext: container: runAsNonRoot: false readOnlyRootFilesystem: false runAsUser: 0 runAsGroup: 0 service: main: ports: main: protocol: udp port: 27017 steam: enabled: true ports: steam: protocol: udp enabled: true port: 27018 api: enabled: true ports: api: protocol: http enabled: true port: 18080 spaceengineers: instance_name: "TestInstance" public_ip: "" workload: main: podSpec: containers: main: lifecycle: postStart: type: exec command: - /bin/sh - -c - | INSTANCE_NAME="{{ .Values.spaceengineers.instance_name }}" CONFIG_PATH="{{ .Values.persistence.instances.mountPath }}/$INSTANCE_NAME/SpaceEngineers-Dedicated.cfg" # Define the new values for the port-related options ServerPort="{{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.port }}" SteamPort="{{ .Values.service.steam.ports.steam.port }}" RemoteApiPort="{{ .Values.service.api.ports.api.port }}" # Check if the configuration file exists if [ -f "$CONFIG_PATH" ]; then # Update the XML file with the new values using sed sed -i "s/[0-9]*<\/SteamPort>/$SteamPort<\/SteamPort>/" "$CONFIG_PATH" sed -i "s/[0-9]*<\/ServerPort>/$ServerPort<\/ServerPort>/" "$CONFIG_PATH" sed -i "s/[0-9]*<\/RemoteApiPort>/$RemoteApiPort<\/RemoteApiPort>/" "$CONFIG_PATH" echo "Port-related options updated for instance $INSTANCE_NAME:" echo "SteamPort: $SteamPort" echo "ServerPort: $ServerPort" echo "RemoteApiPort: $RemoteApiPort" else echo "Configuration file not found. Please create it manually or check the path: $CONFIG_PATH" fi probes: liveness: enabled: false readiness: enabled: false startup: enabled: false env: INSTANCE_NAME: "{{ .Values.spaceengineers.instance_name }}" PUBLIC_IP: "{{ .Values.spaceengineers.public_ip }}" persistence: steamcmd: enabled: true mountPath: /root/.steam plugins: enabled: true mountPath: /appdata/space-engineers/plugins serverfiles: enabled: true mountPath: /appdata/space-engineers/SpaceEngineersDedicated instances: enabled: true mountPath: /appdata/space-engineers/instances portal: open: enabled: false