image: repository: tag: "v1.20.2@sha256:07121d674c1de587044746f92cc3bccb4576f2fc125f6f2f5bcaa582dad3e3ad" pullPolicy: workload: main: podSpec: containers: main: args: - controller - --leader-elect - --config-map-name={{ include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" $ }}-config - --secret-name={{ include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" $ }}-config - --webhook-port=9443 command: - /manager probes: liveness: port: webhook type: https path: /readyz readiness: port: webhook type: https path: /readyz startup: port: webhook type: tcp env: OPERATOR_IMAGE_NAME: "{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}" OPERATOR_NAMESPACE: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace MONITORING_QUERIES_CONFIGMAP: '{{ include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" $ }}-monitoring' podOptions: automountServiceAccountToken: true service: main: ports: main: protocol: http port: 8080 cnpg-webhook-service: enabled: true expandObjectName: false ports: webhook: enabled: true protocol: https port: 443 targetPort: 9443 operator: register: true persistence: scratch-data: enabled: true type: emptyDir mountPath: /controller webhook-certificates: enabled: true type: secret objectName: cnpg-webhook-cert expandObjectName: false optional: true defaultMode: "0420" readOnly: true targetSelector: main: main: mountPath: "/run/secrets/" portal: open: enabled: false metrics: main: enabled: false type: "podmonitor" endpoints: - port: main interval: 5s scrapeTimeout: 5s path: / honorLabels: false rbac: main: enabled: true primary: true clusterWide: true rules: - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - configmaps/status verbs: - get - patch - update - apiGroups: - "" resources: - events verbs: - create - patch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - namespaces verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - nodes verbs: - get - list - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - persistentvolumeclaims verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods/exec verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - pods/status verbs: - get - apiGroups: - "" resources: - secrets verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - secrets/status verbs: - get - patch - update - apiGroups: - "" resources: - serviceaccounts verbs: - create - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - "" resources: - services verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - mutatingwebhookconfigurations verbs: - get - list - patch - update - apiGroups: - resources: - validatingwebhookconfigurations verbs: - get - list - patch - update - apiGroups: - resources: - customresourcedefinitions verbs: - get - list - update - apiGroups: - apps resources: - deployments verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - batch resources: - jobs verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - leases verbs: - create - get - update - apiGroups: - resources: - podmonitors verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - watch - apiGroups: - policy resources: - poddisruptionbudgets verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - backups verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - backups/status verbs: - get - patch - update - apiGroups: - resources: - clusters verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - clusters/finalizers verbs: - update - apiGroups: - resources: - clusters/status verbs: - get - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - poolers verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - poolers/finalizers verbs: - update - apiGroups: - resources: - poolers/status verbs: - get - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - scheduledbackups verbs: - create - delete - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - scheduledbackups/status verbs: - get - patch - update - apiGroups: - resources: - rolebindings verbs: - create - get - list - patch - update - watch - apiGroups: - resources: - roles verbs: - create - get - list - patch - update - watch serviceAccount: main: enabled: true primary: true webhook: mutating: create: true failurePolicy: Fail validating: create: true failurePolicy: Fail manifestManager: enabled: false configmap: config: enabled: true data: CREATE_ANY_SERVICE: "true" monitoring: enabled: true data: queries: | backends: query: | SELECT sa.datname , sa.usename , sa.application_name , states.state , COALESCE(sa.count, 0) AS total , COALESCE(sa.max_tx_secs, 0) AS max_tx_duration_seconds FROM ( VALUES ('active') , ('idle') , ('idle in transaction') , ('idle in transaction (aborted)') , ('fastpath function call') , ('disabled') ) AS states(state) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT datname , state , usename , COALESCE(application_name, '') AS application_name , COUNT(*) , COALESCE(EXTRACT (EPOCH FROM (max(now() - xact_start))), 0) AS max_tx_secs FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity GROUP BY datname, state, usename, application_name ) sa ON states.state = sa.state WHERE sa.usename IS NOT NULL metrics: - datname: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the database" - usename: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the user" - application_name: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the application" - state: usage: "LABEL" description: "State of the backend" - total: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Number of backends" - max_tx_duration_seconds: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Maximum duration of a transaction in seconds" backends_waiting: query: | SELECT count(*) AS total FROM pg_catalog.pg_locks blocked_locks JOIN pg_catalog.pg_locks blocking_locks ON blocking_locks.locktype = blocked_locks.locktype AND blocking_locks.database IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.database AND blocking_locks.relation IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.relation AND IS NOT DISTINCT FROM AND blocking_locks.tuple IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.tuple AND blocking_locks.virtualxid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.virtualxid AND blocking_locks.transactionid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.transactionid AND blocking_locks.classid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.classid AND blocking_locks.objid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.objid AND blocking_locks.objsubid IS NOT DISTINCT FROM blocked_locks.objsubid AND != JOIN pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity blocking_activity ON = WHERE NOT blocked_locks.granted metrics: - total: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Total number of backends that are currently waiting on other queries" pg_database: query: | SELECT datname , pg_catalog.pg_database_size(datname) AS size_bytes , pg_catalog.age(datfrozenxid) AS xid_age , pg_catalog.mxid_age(datminmxid) AS mxid_age FROM pg_catalog.pg_database metrics: - datname: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the database" - size_bytes: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Disk space used by the database" - xid_age: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Number of transactions from the frozen XID to the current one" - mxid_age: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Number of multiple transactions (Multixact) from the frozen XID to the current one" pg_postmaster: query: | SELECT EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM pg_postmaster_start_time) AS start_time FROM pg_catalog.pg_postmaster_start_time() metrics: - start_time: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Time at which postgres started (based on epoch)" pg_replication: query: "SELECT CASE WHEN NOT pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() THEN 0 ELSE GREATEST (0, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now() - pg_catalog.pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp()))) END AS lag, pg_catalog.pg_is_in_recovery() AS in_recovery, EXISTS (TABLE pg_stat_wal_receiver) AS is_wal_receiver_up, (SELECT count(*) FROM pg_stat_replication) AS streaming_replicas" metrics: - lag: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Replication lag behind primary in seconds" - in_recovery: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Whether the instance is in recovery" - is_wal_receiver_up: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Whether the instance wal_receiver is up" - streaming_replicas: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Number of streaming replicas connected to the instance" pg_replication_slots: query: | SELECT slot_name, slot_type, database, active, pg_catalog.pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_catalog.pg_current_wal_lsn(), restart_lsn) FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots WHERE NOT temporary metrics: - slot_name: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the replication slot" - slot_type: usage: "LABEL" description: "Type of the replication slot" - database: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the database" - active: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Flag indicating whether the slot is active" - pg_wal_lsn_diff: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Replication lag in bytes" pg_stat_archiver: query: | SELECT archived_count , failed_count , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now() - last_archived_time)), -1) AS seconds_since_last_archival , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (now() - last_failed_time)), -1) AS seconds_since_last_failure , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM last_archived_time), -1) AS last_archived_time , COALESCE(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM last_failed_time), -1) AS last_failed_time , COALESCE(CAST(CAST('x'||pg_catalog.right(pg_catalog.split_part(last_archived_wal, '.', 1), 16) AS pg_catalog.bit(64)) AS pg_catalog.int8), -1) AS last_archived_wal_start_lsn , COALESCE(CAST(CAST('x'||pg_catalog.right(pg_catalog.split_part(last_failed_wal, '.', 1), 16) AS pg_catalog.bit(64)) AS pg_catalog.int8), -1) AS last_failed_wal_start_lsn , EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM stats_reset) AS stats_reset_time FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_archiver metrics: - archived_count: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of WAL files that have been successfully archived" - failed_count: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of failed attempts for archiving WAL files" - seconds_since_last_archival: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Seconds since the last successful archival operation" - seconds_since_last_failure: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Seconds since the last failed archival operation" - last_archived_time: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Epoch of the last time WAL archiving succeeded" - last_failed_time: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Epoch of the last time WAL archiving failed" - last_archived_wal_start_lsn: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Archived WAL start LSN" - last_failed_wal_start_lsn: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Last failed WAL LSN" - stats_reset_time: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Time at which these statistics were last reset" pg_stat_bgwriter: query: | SELECT checkpoints_timed , checkpoints_req , checkpoint_write_time , checkpoint_sync_time , buffers_checkpoint , buffers_clean , maxwritten_clean , buffers_backend , buffers_backend_fsync , buffers_alloc FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_bgwriter metrics: - checkpoints_timed: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of scheduled checkpoints that have been performed" - checkpoints_req: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of requested checkpoints that have been performed" - checkpoint_write_time: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are written to disk, in milliseconds" - checkpoint_sync_time: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Total amount of time that has been spent in the portion of checkpoint processing where files are synchronized to disk, in milliseconds" - buffers_checkpoint: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of buffers written during checkpoints" - buffers_clean: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of buffers written by the background writer" - maxwritten_clean: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of times the background writer stopped a cleaning scan because it had written too many buffers" - buffers_backend: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of buffers written directly by a backend" - buffers_backend_fsync: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of times a backend had to execute its own fsync call (normally the background writer handles those even when the backend does its own write)" - buffers_alloc: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of buffers allocated" pg_stat_database: query: | SELECT datname , xact_commit , xact_rollback , blks_read , blks_hit , tup_returned , tup_fetched , tup_inserted , tup_updated , tup_deleted , conflicts , temp_files , temp_bytes , deadlocks , blk_read_time , blk_write_time FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_database metrics: - datname: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of this database" - xact_commit: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of transactions in this database that have been committed" - xact_rollback: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back" - blks_read: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of disk blocks read in this database" - blks_hit: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary (this only includes hits in the PostgreSQL buffer cache, not the operating system's file system cache)" - tup_returned: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of rows returned by queries in this database" - tup_fetched: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of rows fetched by queries in this database" - tup_inserted: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of rows inserted by queries in this database" - tup_updated: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of rows updated by queries in this database" - tup_deleted: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of rows deleted by queries in this database" - conflicts: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database" - temp_files: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of temporary files created by queries in this database" - temp_bytes: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database" - deadlocks: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Number of deadlocks detected in this database" - blk_read_time: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds" - blk_write_time: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in milliseconds" pg_stat_replication: primary: true query: | SELECT usename , COALESCE(application_name, '') AS application_name , COALESCE(client_addr::text, '') AS client_addr , EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM backend_start) AS backend_start , COALESCE(pg_catalog.age(backend_xmin), 0) AS backend_xmin_age , pg_catalog.pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_catalog.pg_current_wal_lsn(), sent_lsn) AS sent_diff_bytes , pg_catalog.pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_catalog.pg_current_wal_lsn(), write_lsn) AS write_diff_bytes , pg_catalog.pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_catalog.pg_current_wal_lsn(), flush_lsn) AS flush_diff_bytes , COALESCE(pg_catalog.pg_wal_lsn_diff(pg_catalog.pg_current_wal_lsn(), replay_lsn),0) AS replay_diff_bytes , COALESCE((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM write_lag)),0)::float AS write_lag_seconds , COALESCE((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM flush_lag)),0)::float AS flush_lag_seconds , COALESCE((EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM replay_lag)),0)::float AS replay_lag_seconds FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_replication metrics: - usename: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the replication user" - application_name: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the application" - client_addr: usage: "LABEL" description: "Client IP address" - backend_start: usage: "COUNTER" description: "Time when this process was started" - backend_xmin_age: usage: "COUNTER" description: "The age of this standby's xmin horizon" - sent_diff_bytes: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Difference in bytes from the last write-ahead log location sent on this connection" - write_diff_bytes: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Difference in bytes from the last write-ahead log location written to disk by this standby server" - flush_diff_bytes: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Difference in bytes from the last write-ahead log location flushed to disk by this standby server" - replay_diff_bytes: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Difference in bytes from the last write-ahead log location replayed into the database on this standby server" - write_lag_seconds: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving notification that this standby server has written it" - flush_lag_seconds: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving notification that this standby server has written and flushed it" - replay_lag_seconds: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Time elapsed between flushing recent WAL locally and receiving notification that this standby server has written, flushed and applied it" pg_settings: query: | SELECT name, CASE setting WHEN 'on' THEN '1' WHEN 'off' THEN '0' ELSE setting END AS setting FROM pg_catalog.pg_settings WHERE vartype IN ('integer', 'real', 'bool') ORDER BY 1 metrics: - name: usage: "LABEL" description: "Name of the setting" - setting: usage: "GAUGE" description: "Setting value"