{{/* Define the configmaps */}} {{- define "authentik.configmaps" -}} {{- $authServerWorkerConfigName := printf "%s-authentik-config" (include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $authServerConfigName := printf "%s-authentik-server-config" (include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $geoipConfigName := printf "%s-geoip-config" (include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $ldapConfigName := printf "%s-ldap-config" (include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" .) }} {{- $proxyConfigName := printf "%s-proxy-config" (include "tc.v1.common.lib.chart.names.fullname" .) }} {{ $host := printf "https://localhost:%v" .Values.service.main.ports.main.targetPort }} {{- if .Values.ingress.main.enabled }} {{ $first := (first .Values.ingress.main.hosts) }} {{- if $first }} {{ $host = printf "https://%s" $first.host }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{/* This configmap is loaded in both the main authentik container and worker */}} {{ $authServerWorkerConfigName }}: enabled: true data: {{/* Dependencies */}} AUTHENTIK_REDIS__HOST: {{ .Values.redis.creds.plain }} {{- with $redis := .Values.redisProvider }} AUTHENTIK_REDIS__PORT: {{ default 6379 $redis.port | quote }} {{- end }} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__NAME: {{ .Values.cnpg.main.database }} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__USER: {{ .Values.cnpg.main.user }} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__HOST: {{ .Values.cnpg.main.creds.host }} {{- with $cnpg := .Values.cnpgProvider }} AUTHENTIK_POSTGRESQL__PORT: {{ default 5432 $cnpg.port | quote }} {{- end }} {{/* Mail */}} {{- with .Values.authentik.mail.port }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__PORT: {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__USE_TLS: {{ .Values.authentik.mail.tls | quote }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__USE_SSL: {{ .Values.authentik.mail.ssl | quote }} {{- with .Values.authentik.mail.timeout }} AUTHENTIK_EMAIL__TIMEOUT: {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} {{/* Logging */}} {{- with .Values.authentik.logging.log_level }} AUTHENTIK_LOG_LEVEL: {{ . }} {{- end }} {{/* General */}} AUTHENTIK_DISABLE_STARTUP_ANALYTICS: {{ .Values.authentik.general.disable_startup_analytics | quote }} AUTHENTIK_DISABLE_UPDATE_CHECK: {{ .Values.authentik.general.disable_update_check | quote }} {{- with .Values.authentik.general.avatars }} AUTHENTIK_AVATARS: {{ . }} {{- end }} AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_USER_CHANGE_NAME: {{ .Values.authentik.general.allow_user_name_change | quote }} AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_USER_CHANGE_EMAIL: {{ .Values.authentik.general.allow_user_mail_change | quote }} AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_USER_CHANGE_USERNAME: {{ .Values.authentik.general.allow_user_username_change | quote }} AUTHENTIK_GDPR_COMPLIANCE: {{ .Values.authentik.general.gdpr_compliance | quote }} AUTHENTIK_IMPERSONATION: {{ .Values.authentik.general.impersonation | quote }} AUTHENTIK_DEFAULT_TOKEN_LENGTH: {{ .Values.authentik.general.token_length | quote }} {{- with .Values.authentik.general.footer_links }} AUTHENTIK_FOOTER_LINKS: {{ . | squote }} {{- end }} {{/* Error Reporting */}} AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__ENABLED: {{ .Values.authentik.error_reporting.enabled | quote }} AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__SEND_PII: {{ .Values.authentik.error_reporting.send_pii | quote }} {{- with .Values.authentik.error_reporting.environment }} AUTHENTIK_ERROR_REPORTING__ENVIRONMENT: {{ . }} {{- end }} {{/* LDAP */}} {{- with .Values.authentik.ldap.tls_ciphers }} AUTHENTIK_LDAP__TLS__CIPHERS: {{ . | quote }} {{- end }} {{/* Outposts */}} AUTHENTIK_OUTPOSTS__DISCOVER: {{ "false" | quote }} {{/* This configmap is loaded in both the main authentik container and worker */}} {{ $authServerConfigName }}: enabled: true data: {{/* Listen */}} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__HTTPS:{{ .Values.service.main.ports.main.targetPort | default 9443 }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__HTTP:{{ .Values.service.http.ports.http.targetPort | default 9000 }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__METRICS:{{ .Values.service.metrics.ports.metrics.targetPort | default 9301 }} {{/* This configmap is loaded in the geoip container */}} {{ $geoipConfigName }}: enabled: {{ .Values.geoip.enabled }} data: {{- with .Values.geoip.edition_ids }} GEOIPUPDATE_EDITION_IDS: {{ . }} {{- end }} GEOIPUPDATE_FREQUENCY: {{ .Values.geoip.frequency | quote }} {{- with .Values.geoip.host_server }} GEOIPUPDATE_HOST: {{ . }} {{- end }} GEOIPUPDATE_PRESERVE_FILE_TIMES: {{ ternary "1" "0" .Values.geoip.preserve_file_times | quote }} GEOIPUPDATE_VERBOSE: {{ ternary "1" "0" .Values.geoip.verbose | quote }} {{/* This configmap is loaded in the ldap container */}} {{ $ldapConfigName }}: enabled: {{ .Values.outposts.ldap.enabled }} data: AUTHENTIK_INSECURE: {{ .Values.outposts.ldap.insecure | default "true" | quote }} AUTHENTIK_HOST: {{ .Values.outposts.ldap.host | default (printf "https://localhost:%v" .Values.service.main.ports.main.targetPort) }} AUTHENTIK_HOST_BROWSER: {{ .Values.outposts.ldap.host_browser | default $host }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__LDAPS:{{ .Values.service.ldapldaps.ports.ldapldaps.targetPort | default 6636 }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__LDAP:{{ .Values.service.ldapldap.ports.ldapldap.targetPort | default 3389 }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__METRICS:{{ .Values.service.ldapmetrics.ports.ldapmetrics.targetPort | default 9302 }} {{/* This configmap is loaded in the proxy container */}} {{ $proxyConfigName }}: enabled: {{ .Values.outposts.proxy.enabled }} data: AUTHENTIK_INSECURE: {{ .Values.outposts.proxy.insecure | default "true" | quote }} AUTHENTIK_HOST: {{ .Values.outposts.proxy.host | default (printf "https://localhost:%v" .Values.service.main.ports.main.targetPort) }} AUTHENTIK_HOST_BROWSER: {{ .Values.outposts.proxy.host_browser | default $host }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__HTTPS:{{ .Values.service.proxyhttps.ports.proxyhttps.targetPort | default 9444 }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__HTTP:{{ .Values.service.proxyhttp.ports.proxyhttp.targetPort | default 9001 }} AUTHENTIK_LISTEN__METRICS:{{ .Values.service.proxymetrics.ports.proxymetrics.targetPort | default 9303 }} {{- end -}}