{{/* Define the configmap */}} {{- define "authelia.configmap.paths" -}} enabled: true data: AUTHELIA_SERVER_DISABLE_HEALTHCHECK: "true" AUTHELIA_JWT_SECRET_FILE: "/secrets/JWT_TOKEN" AUTHELIA_SESSION_SECRET_FILE: "/secrets/SESSION_ENCRYPTION_KEY" AUTHELIA_STORAGE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_FILE: "/secrets/ENCRYPTION_KEY" AUTHELIA_STORAGE_POSTGRES_PASSWORD_FILE: "/secrets/STORAGE_PASSWORD" {{- if .Values.authentication_backend.ldap.enabled }} AUTHELIA_AUTHENTICATION_BACKEND_LDAP_PASSWORD_FILE: "/secrets/LDAP_PASSWORD" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.notifier.smtp.enabled }} AUTHELIA_NOTIFIER_SMTP_PASSWORD_FILE: "/secrets/SMTP_PASSWORD" {{- end }} AUTHELIA_SESSION_REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE: "/secrets/REDIS_PASSWORD" {{- if .Values.redisProvider.high_availability.enabled }} AUTHELIA_SESSION_REDIS_HIGH_AVAILABILITY_SENTINEL_PASSWORD_FILE: "/secrets/REDIS_SENTINEL_PASSWORD" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.duo_api.enabled }} AUTHELIA_DUO_API_SECRET_KEY_FILE: "/secrets/DUO_API_KEY" {{- end }} {{- if .Values.identity_providers.oidc.enabled }} AUTHELIA_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_OIDC_HMAC_SECRET_FILE: "/secrets/OIDC_HMAC_SECRET" AUTHELIA_IDENTITY_PROVIDERS_OIDC_ISSUER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE: "/secrets/OIDC_PRIVATE_KEY" {{- end }} {{- end -}} {{- define "authelia.configmap.configfile" -}} enabled: true data: configuration.yaml: | --- theme: {{ default "light" .Values.theme }} default_redirection_url: {{ default (printf "https://www.%s" .Values.domain) .Values.default_redirection_url }} ntp: address: {{ default "time.cloudflare.com:123" .Values.ntp.address }} version: {{ default 4 .Values.ntp.version }} max_desync: {{ default "3s" .Values.ntp.max_desync }} disable_startup_check: {{ default false .Values.ntp.disable_startup_check }} disable_failure: {{ default true .Values.ntp.disable_failure }} server: host: port: {{ default 9091 .Values.server.port }} {{- if not (eq "" (default "" .Values.server.path)) }} path: {{ .Values.server.path }} {{- end }} buffers: write: {{ default 4096 .Values.server.write_buffer_size }} read: {{ default 4096 .Values.server.read_buffer_size }} enable_pprof: {{ default false .Values.server.enable_pprof }} enable_expvars: {{ default false .Values.server.enable_expvars }} log: level: {{ default "info" .Values.log.level }} format: {{ default "text" .Values.log.format }} {{- if not (eq "" (default "" .Values.log.file_path)) }} file_path: {{ .Values.log.file_path }} keep_stdout: true {{- end }} totp: issuer: {{ default .Values.domain .Values.totp.issuer }} period: {{ default 30 .Values.totp.period }} skew: {{ default 1 .Values.totp.skew }} {{- if .Values.duo_api.enabled }} duo_api: hostname: {{ .Values.duo_api.hostname }} integration_key: {{ .Values.duo_api.integration_key }} {{- end }} {{- with $auth := .Values.authentication_backend }} authentication_backend: password_reset: disable: {{ $auth.disable_reset_password }} {{- if $auth.file.enabled }} file: path: {{ $auth.file.path }} password: {{ toYaml $auth.file.password | nindent 10 }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.enabled }} ldap: implementation: {{ default "custom" $auth.ldap.implementation }} url: {{ $auth.ldap.url }} timeout: {{ default "5s" $auth.ldap.timeout }} start_tls: {{ $auth.ldap.start_tls }} tls: {{- if hasKey $auth.ldap.tls "server_name" }} server_name: {{ default $auth.ldap.host $auth.ldap.tls.server_name }} {{- end }} minimum_version: {{ default "TLS1.2" $auth.ldap.tls.minimum_version }} skip_verify: {{ default false $auth.ldap.tls.skip_verify }} {{- if $auth.ldap.base_dn }} base_dn: {{ $auth.ldap.base_dn }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.username_attribute }} username_attribute: {{ $auth.ldap.username_attribute }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.additional_users_dn }} additional_users_dn: {{ $auth.ldap.additional_users_dn }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.users_filter }} users_filter: {{ $auth.ldap.users_filter }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.additional_groups_dn }} additional_groups_dn: {{ $auth.ldap.additional_groups_dn }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.groups_filter }} groups_filter: {{ $auth.ldap.groups_filter }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.group_name_attribute }} group_name_attribute: {{ $auth.ldap.group_name_attribute }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.mail_attribute }} mail_attribute: {{ $auth.ldap.mail_attribute }} {{- end }} {{- if $auth.ldap.display_name_attribute }} display_name_attribute: {{ $auth.ldap.display_name_attribute }} {{- end }} user: {{ $auth.ldap.user }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- with $session := .Values.session }} session: name: {{ default "authelia_session" $session.name }} domain: {{ required "A valid .Values.domain entry required!" $.Values.domain }} same_site: {{ default "lax" $session.same_site }} expiration: {{ default "1M" $session.expiration }} inactivity: {{ default "5m" $session.inactivity }} remember_me_duration: {{ default "1M" $session.remember_me_duration }} {{- end }} redis: host: {{ .Values.redis.creds.plain }} {{- with $redis := .Values.redisProvider }} port: {{ default 6379 $redis.port }} {{- if not (eq $redis.username "") }} username: {{ $redis.username }} {{- end }} maximum_active_connections: {{ default 8 $redis.maximum_active_connections }} minimum_idle_connections: {{ default 0 $redis.minimum_idle_connections }} {{- if $redis.tls.enabled }} tls: server_name: {{ $redis.tls.server_name }} minimum_version: {{ default "TLS1.2" $redis.tls.minimum_version }} skip_verify: {{ $redis.tls.skip_verify }} {{- end }} {{- if $redis.high_availability.enabled }} high_availability: sentinel_name: {{ $redis.high_availability.sentinel_name }} {{- if $redis.high_availability.nodes }} nodes: {{ toYaml $redis.high_availability.nodes | nindent 10 }} {{- end }} route_by_latency: {{ $redis.high_availability.route_by_latency }} route_randomly: {{ $redis.high_availability.route_randomly }} {{- end }} {{- end }} regulation: {{ toYaml .Values.regulation | nindent 6 }} storage: postgres: host: {{ $.Values.cnpg.main.creds.host }} {{- with $storage := .Values.storage }} port: {{ default 5432 $storage.postgres.port }} database: {{ default "authelia" $storage.postgres.database }} username: {{ default "authelia" $storage.postgres.username }} timeout: {{ default "5s" $storage.postgres.timeout }} ssl: mode: {{ default "disable" $storage.postgres.sslmode }} {{- end }} {{- with $notifier := .Values.notifier }} notifier: disable_startup_check: {{ $.Values.notifier.disable_startup_check }} {{- if $notifier.filesystem.enabled }} filesystem: filename: {{ $notifier.filesystem.filename }} {{- end }} {{- if $notifier.smtp.enabled }} smtp: host: {{ $notifier.smtp.host }} port: {{ default 25 $notifier.smtp.port }} timeout: {{ default "5s" $notifier.smtp.timeout }} {{- with $notifier.smtp.username }} username: {{ . }} {{- end }} sender: {{ $notifier.smtp.sender }} identifier: {{ $notifier.smtp.identifier }} subject: {{ $notifier.smtp.subject | quote }} startup_check_address: {{ $notifier.smtp.startup_check_address }} disable_require_tls: {{ $notifier.smtp.disable_require_tls }} disable_html_emails: {{ $notifier.smtp.disable_html_emails }} tls: server_name: {{ default $notifier.smtp.host $notifier.smtp.tls.server_name }} minimum_version: {{ default "TLS1.2" $notifier.smtp.tls.minimum_version }} skip_verify: {{ default false $notifier.smtp.tls.skip_verify }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- if .Values.identity_providers.oidc.enabled }} identity_providers: oidc: access_token_lifespan: {{ default "1h" .Values.identity_providers.oidc.access_token_lifespan }} authorize_code_lifespan: {{ default "1m" .Values.identity_providers.oidc.authorize_code_lifespan }} id_token_lifespan: {{ default "1h" .Values.identity_providers.oidc.id_token_lifespan }} refresh_token_lifespan: {{ default "90m" .Values.identity_providers.oidc.refresh_token_lifespan }} enable_client_debug_messages: {{ default false .Values.identity_providers.oidc.enable_client_debug_messages }} minimum_parameter_entropy: {{ default 8 .Values.identity_providers.oidc.minimum_parameter_entropy }} {{- if gt (len .Values.identity_providers.oidc.clients) 0 }} clients: {{- range $client := .Values.identity_providers.oidc.clients }} - id: {{ $client.id }} description: {{ default $client.id $client.description }} secret: {{ default (randAlphaNum 128) $client.secret }} {{- if $client.public }} public: {{ $client.public }} {{- end }} authorization_policy: {{ default "two_factor" $client.authorization_policy }} consent_mode: {{ default "auto" $client.consent_mode}} redirect_uris: {{- range $client.redirect_uris }} - {{ . }} {{- end }} {{- if $client.audience }} audience: {{ toYaml $client.audience | nindent 10 }} {{- end }} scopes: {{ toYaml (default (list "openid" "profile" "email" "groups") $client.scopes) | nindent 10 }} grant_types: {{ toYaml (default (list "refresh_token" "authorization_code") $client.grant_types) | nindent 10 }} response_types: {{ toYaml (default (list "code") $client.response_types) | nindent 10 }} {{- if $client.response_modes }} response_modes: {{ toYaml $client.response_modes | nindent 10 }} {{- end }} userinfo_signing_algorithm: {{ default "none" $client.userinfo_signing_algorithm }} {{- end }} {{- end }} {{- end }} access_control: {{- if (eq (len .Values.access_control.rules) 0) }} {{- if (eq .Values.access_control.default_policy "bypass") }} default_policy: one_factor {{- else if (eq .Values.access_control.default_policy "deny") }} default_policy: two_factor {{- else }} default_policy: {{ .Values.access_control.default_policy }} {{- end }} {{- else }} default_policy: {{ .Values.access_control.default_policy }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq (len .Values.access_control.networks) 0) }} networks: [] {{- else }} networks: {{ toYaml .Values.access_control.networks | nindent 6 }} {{- end }} {{- if (eq (len .Values.access_control.rules) 0) }} rules: [] {{- else }} rules: {{ toYaml .Values.access_control.rules | nindent 6 }} {{- end }} ... {{- end -}}