78 lines
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78 lines
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# Following guide on:
# <https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/tutorials/powershell-app-only?tabs=linux-macos&tutorial-step=1>
# This script creates a new
[CmdletBinding()]param([switch]$Force) # This adds common parameters, like ErrorAction
$local:Create = -not (
(Test-Path 'powershell-app.pem') -and
(Test-Path 'powershell-app.crt') -and
(Test-Path 'powershell-app.key')
if( $Force -or $Create ) {
foreach( $local:ext in @('.key', '.pem', '.crt', '.pfx') ) {
if( Test-Path "powershell-app${ext}" ) {
Remove-Item -Force -LiteralPath "powershell-app${ext}" -Verbose
$Create = $true
if( $Create ) {
# Create private key
& openssl genrsa -des3 -out powershell-app.key `
-passout "pass:keypassphrase" `
# -passout pass:... usage is ONLY acceptable in insecure testing env.
# Create Signed Certificate with DES3 Encryption (with an INSECURE passkey)
& openssl req -x509 `
-key 'powershell-app.key' -passin "pass:keypassphrase" `
-sha256 -days 365 -subj '/CN=PowerShell App-Only' `
-out 'powershell-app.crt' `
-passout "pass:pempassphrase"
# -passin/passout pass:... usage is ONLY acceptable in insecure
# testing env.
# Expose the public key for easy copying by non-root users
chmod 664 'powershell-app.crt'
if( Test-Path 'powershell-app.pfx' ) { Remove-Item 'powershell-app.pfx' }
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`nKEY, PEM and CRT certificate files created`n"
if( -not (Test-Path 'powershell-app.pfx') ) {
$Create = $true
# Self-Sign Certificate Request
& openssl pkcs12 -export -in 'powershell-app.crt' `
-inkey 'powershell-app.key' -passin "pass:keypassphrase"`
-out 'powershell-app.pfx' -passout "pass:pfxpassphrase"
# -passin/passout pass:... usage is ONLY acceptable in insecure
# testing env.
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`nPFX certificate file created`n"
Write-Host "You can now load certificate by running ./src/Load-Cert.ps1"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "NOTE: You will need to register this certifcate!"
Write-Host "Grab the powershell-app.crt public key file and Follow"
Write-Host "instructions in the tutorial link below: (very long link)"
Write-Host " https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/tutorials/powershell-app-only?tabs=linux-macos&tutorial-step=1#register-application-for-app-only-authentication"
Write-Host ""
$Cert = ./src/Load-Cert.ps1 -Force:$Create
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Certificate loaded with ./src/Load-Cert.ps1"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Recommendation:"
Write-Host "If you haven't already, it is recommended you create a script "
Write-Host "./src/Connect-AppCert.ps1 to quickly connect. It should have at"
Write-Host "least the following content:"
Write-Host "########################################################################################"
Write-Host "`$clientId='<Client ID of the Application>' # Get this from the Azure Portal"
Write-Host "`$tenantID='<Tenant ID of Azure AD>' # Get this from the Azure Portal"
Write-Host "`$certThumb='$($Cert.Thumbprint )' # grabbed from ./src/Load-Cert.ps1"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host 'Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $clientId -TenantId $tenantId -CertificateThumb $certThumb'
Write-Host "########################################################################################"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "NOTE that Connect-AppCert.ps1 is listed in .gitignore and will not be saved to the git repo due to it's sensitive nature."