Added User and Group creation and assignment logic

This commit is contained in:
Gal Szkolnik 2023-07-20 14:55:05 +00:00
parent dfcc62855b
commit c37fbb522e
1 changed files with 142 additions and 43 deletions

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@ -102,9 +102,13 @@ function Invoke-LoggedAction{
$log = $LogTrail.NewLogEntry(
@ -112,69 +116,164 @@ function Invoke-LoggedAction{
try {
return & $Action $log $Quiet -ErrorAction Stop
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $Action -ArgumentList @(
$log, $Quiet, $more_args
) -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
$local:Err = $_
$local:formatstring = "ERROR: {0} : {1}`n {2}`n" +
" + CategoryInfo : {3}`n" +
" + FullyQualifiedErrorId : {4}`n"
" + FullyQualifiedErrorId : {4}`n" +
" + Invoke-LoggedAction args: {5}`n"
$local:fields = $Err.InvocationInfo.MyCommand.Name,
(@($Err.ErrorDetails, $Err.Exception) | Where-Object {$_.Message} | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Message),
($more_args -join ', ')
$log = $log.UpdateLogEntry($true,($formatstring -f $fields),$Quiet)
throw $Err
} finally {
if( $log.Active ) {
$null = $log.UpdateLogEntry($true,"",$Quiet)
try {
# Check that AzureAD commands are available
$Action = [ordered]@{
Operation="Get-Command Get-MgContext"
Description="Checking Microsoft.Graph Module command is available"
$null = Get-Command Get-MgContext -ErrorAction Stop
$null = $log.UpdateLogEntry($true,"Success",$Quiet)
Invoke-LoggedAction @Action -Quiet
$Action = [ordered]@{
Description="Testing connection to Microsoft.Graph"
$org = Get-MgOrganization
$null = $log.UpdateLogEntry(
"Connected to $(
$org.DisplayName) on $(
$org.VerifiedDomains | Where-Object IsDefault |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Invoke-LoggedAction @Action -Quiet
} catch {
# We are relying on the LogTrail to show us any problems.
finally {
$LogTrail.logs | Format-Table -Wrap
# Initial tests
# Create the group if it does not already exist.
# Iterate through the list of users, for each
# If the user doesn't exist, it will create the user.
# If the user isn't a member of the above mentioned group, add it to it.
# Display a report.
# Display a report.
$UserName="Test User 01"
$Automation = @(
Operation="Get-Command Get-MgContext"
Description="Checking Microsoft.Graph Module command is available"
$null = Get-Command Get-MgContext -ErrorAction Stop
Description="Testing connection to Microsoft.Graph"
$org = Get-MgOrganization
$script:Domain = $org.VerifiedDomains |
Where-Object IsDefault |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
"Connected to $($org.DisplayName) on $Domain",
Operation="Create Group"
Description="Varonis Assignment Group"
$Group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Varonis Assignment Group'"
if( $Group ) {
$log.UpdateLogEntry($true, "Group already exists $($Group.Id)", $Quiet )
} else {
$NewGroup = @{
DisplayName = "Varonis Assignment Group"
Description = "Varonis Assignment Group"
GroupTypes = @()
MailNickname = 'vrns-assign-grp'
MailEnabled = $false
SecurityEnabled = $true
$Group = New-MgGroup @NewGroup -ErrorAction Stop
$log.UpdateLogEntry($true, "Group Created $($Group.Id)", $Quiet )
try {
foreach( $local:Action in $Automation ) {
Invoke-LoggedAction @Action -Quiet
$Group = Get-MgGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq 'Varonis Assignment Group'"
foreach( $local:i in @(1..20) ) {
$local:UserName = "Test User {0:D2}" -f $i
try {
$local:CreateNewUserAction = @{
Operation="Create User"
$local:User = Get-MgUser -Filter "DisplayName eq '$UserName'"
if( $User ) {
$log.UpdateLogEntry($true, "User '$UserName' already exists $($User.Id)", $Quiet )
} else {
$NewUser = @{
AccountEnabled = $true
DisplayName = $UserName
MailNickname = $UserName -replace ' ','.'
UserPrincipalName = "$($UserName -replace ' ','.')@$script:Domain"
PasswordProfile = @{
ForceChangePasswordNextSignIn = $true
Password = "MyP@ssw0rd!"
# Create the user
$User = New-MgUser @NewUser -ErrorAction Stop
$log.UpdateLogEntry($true, "User '$UserName' created $($User.Id)", $Quiet )
$local:User = Invoke-LoggedAction @CreateNewUserAction $UserName -Quiet
$local:AddUserToGroup = @{
Operation="Add User to Group: $($Group.DisplayName)"
$UserName = $User.DisplayName
$GroupName = $Group.DisplayName
$Groups = Get-MgUserMemberOf -UserId $User.Id | Where-Object Id -eq $Group.Id
if( $Groups ) {
$log.UpdateLogEntry($true, "User '$UserName' already a member of $GroupName", $Quiet )
} else {
$AssignGroupMember = @{
# Create the user
$User = New-MgGroupMember @AssignGroupMember -ErrorAction Stop
$log.UpdateLogEntry($true, "Success", $Quiet )
Invoke-LoggedAction @AddUserToGroup $Group $User $User.Id $User.DisplayName -Quiet
} catch {
# In case of error, continue to the next user.
} catch {
# We are relying on the LogTrail to show us any problems.
finally {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Run complete, reprinting complete log:"
$LogTrail.logs | Format-Table -Wrap