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PalWorld RCON Notes

Shell into the app from the web gui or use heavyscript and select the RCON container; the following commands can be used.

::: note

To use the same commands while in game; type in chat:

/AdminPassword PASSWORD

then run the commands in chat

ex: /Info


RCON Commands

Command Description
/Shutdown {Seconds} {MessageText} Gracefully shuts down server with an optional timer and/or message to notify players in your server.
/DoExit Forcefully shuts down the server immediately. It is not recommended to use this option
/Broadcast {MessageText} Broadcasts a message to all players in the server.
/KickPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Kicks player from the server. Useful for getting a player's attention with moderation.
/BanPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Bans player from the server. The Player will not be able to rejoin the server until they are unbanned.
/ShowPlayers Shows information on all connected players.
/Info Shows server information.
/Save Save the world data to disk.

In-Game Only Commands

Command Description
/TeleportToPlayer {PlayerUID or SteamID} Immediately teleport to the target player.
/TeleportToMe {PlayerUID or SteamID} Immediately teleports target player to you.