
1.5 KiB

Installation Notes
  • Discord Token can be acquired here by creating a 'New Application', then going to 'Bot'.
  • Spotify Client Id and Spotify Client Secret can be acquired here with 'Create a Client ID'.
  • Youtube API Key can be acquired by creating a new project in Google's Developer Console, enabling the YouTube API, and creating an API key under credentials.

Optionally you can enable the advanced settings and set the following:

  • Cache Limit can accept MB or GB string values for example: 512MB or 10GB.
  • Bot Status has list of values for the discord bot:
    • Online
    • Away
    • Do not Disturb
  • Bot Activity Type has list of values for the discord bot:
    • Playing
    • Listening
    • Watching
    • Streaming
  • Set Bot Activity to whatever you want that follows the activity type.
  • If you plan to publicly share your bot with more servers other than your own, its recommended by the upstream project to set Register Commands On Bot to true if its more than 10 guilds. The bot is purpose built to support multiple servers.


If Bot Activity Type set to Streaming then Bot Activity URL will be shown and is required to be set by adding either a youtube or twitch stream url.


Once installed, check the app logs to get the discord invite link that auto-generated and then invite the bot into your server.

The bot will play music only in voice channels.