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Authelia + LLDAP + Traefik ForwardAuth Setup guide

This quick guide should take you through the steps necessary to setup Authelia as your forwardAuth for Traefik. We'll be using LLDAP as the backend for Authelia since it's lightweight and simple enough for most users. A more complete video is available on our YouTube Channel


  • Traefik installed (enable the enterprise train)
  • Clusterissuer for certificates
  • CloudnativePG operator (enable the operators train)



LLDAP is a Stable train chart and therefore isn't supported at the same level as the charts in the Enterprise train (Authelia and Traefik).


  • Follow the steps included in the Installation Notes for LLDAP. Pretty straightforward. Change dc=example,dc=com to your domain, i.e. dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=net and then change your password. Also make sure you have the Operators train enabled and CloudnativePG operator installed, since you'll need it for LLDAP and Authelia

LLDAP Config

  • I've set the services to ClusterIP since I'll be using ingress

  • Once in LLDAP, create a user inside the lldap_password_manager group and change your default admin password. That lldap_password_manager user will be used to bind to Authelia. I've created a user called Steven

Setup Authelia

  • The setup for Authelia is very specific, and the logs won't tell you where you've messed up, but there's precise steps used to integrate LLDAP into Authelia. The info comes from the LLDAP Authelia Docs and the upstream repo.

App Configuration

  • Domain: - Your domain without https://
  • Default Redirection URL: - Can be anything, but we'll stick to As well, this will be the ingress URL for Authelia

LDAP Backend Configuration

Click Enable then ensure everything is as below or you won't be able to connect to the LLDAP backend

  • Implementation: Custom (that's the default)
  • URL: ldap://lldap-ldap.ix-lldap.svc.cluster.local:3890
  • Connection Timeout: 5s
  • Start TLS: (Not necessary)
  • TLS Settings: (Not necessary)
  • Server Name: Leave blank
  • Skip Certificate Verification: Leave unchecked
  • Minimum TLS version: TLS1.2
  • Base DN: DC=mydomain,DC=com
  • Username Attribute: uid
  • Additional Users DN: ou=people
  • Users Filter: (&(|({username_attribute}={input})({mail_attribute}={input}))(objectClass=person))
  • Additional Groups DN: ou=groups
  • Groups Filter: (member={dn})
  • Group name Attribute:cn
  • Mail Attribute:mail
  • Display Name Attribute:displayName
  • Admin User: uid=Steven,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=com - Notice the uid=Steven, most of the time people use admin and a generated password

SMTP Configuration

Check your mail provider for this, generally Gmail gives you an app specific password for your email account and uses and port 587

Access Control Configuration

  • This section is to set rules to connect to Authelia and which users can go where. This is a basic general rule below where the main user (Steven) can access all the site using a wildcard

Leave the default one_factor unless you've setup TOTP above. Then click Add next to Rules to get the screen below


  • Add your Domain and a Wildcard for your subdomains.
  • Leave policy one_factor
  • Click Add Subject and add a subject of group:lldap_password_manager since Steven is part of that group

Setup Authelia Ingress

  • Make sure you're using the same domain as the Default Redirection URL above, so for me that's


Traefik ForwardAuth Setup

  • This part is straight forward as long as you have a working Traefik install, please see our How-To if you need more info on getting that running.

  • Scroll down to forwardAuth and click Add


  • Name your forwardauth something you'll remember, since that's the middleware you'll add to your ingress going forward. Most people use auth
  • Address: http://authelia.ix-authelia.svc.cluster.local:9091/api/verify?rd= and replace the last part based on, and if you've changed ports/names you can get that from Heavyscript
  • Check trustForwardHeader
  • Add the following authResponseHeaders (press Add 4 times)
    • Remote-User
    • Remote-Group
    • Remote-Name
    • Remote-Email

Adding the forwardauth to your Apps

The last step is adding the forwardauth along with the standard ingress settings for your app, for more info on setting ingress see the ClusterIssuer Guide. What changes versus a standard setup is the Traefik Middlewares section, where you must add your forwardauth to the section.

  • In this example we use the same name as above, or auth. Click Add to the Traefik Middlewares section, and enter your forwardauth name.



The origin material for this guide is available on the LLDAP Github. While further information on Authelia can be found on their Github and website.


If you have any issues with following this guide, we can be reached using Discord for real-time feedback and support.