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Default Helm-Values

TrueCharts is primarily build to supply TrueNAS SCALE Apps. However, we also supply all Apps as standard Helm-Charts. In this document we aim to document the default values in our Common Chart. This chart is used by a lot of our Apps to provide sane defaults and logic.


Key Type Default Description
additionalContainers object {} Specify any additional containers here as dictionary items. Each additional container should have its own key. Helm templates can be used.
addons object See below The common chart supports several add-ons. These can be configured under this key.
addons.codeserver object See values.yaml The common library supports adding a code-server add-on to access files. It can be configured under this key. For more info, check out our docs
addons.codeserver.args list ["--auth","none"] Set codeserver command line arguments. Consider setting --user-data-dir to a persistent location to preserve code-server setting changes
addons.codeserver.enabled bool false Enable running a code-server container in the pod
addons.codeserver.env object {} Set any environment variables for code-server here
addons.codeserver.envList list [] All variables specified here will be added to the codeserver sidecar container See the documentation of the codeserver image for all config values
addons.codeserver.git object See below Optionally allow access a Git repository by passing in a private SSH key
addons.codeserver.git.deployKey string "" Raw SSH private key
addons.codeserver.git.deployKeyBase64 string "" Base64-encoded SSH private key. When both variables are set, the raw SSH key takes precedence.
addons.codeserver.git.deployKeySecret string "" Existing secret containing SSH private key The chart expects it to be present under the id_rsa key.
addons.codeserver.ingress.enabled bool false Enable an ingress for the code-server add-on.
addons.codeserver.service.enabled bool true Enable a service for the code-server add-on.
addons.codeserver.workingDir string "/" Specify the working dir that will be opened when code-server starts If not given, the app will default to the mountpah of the first specified volumeMount
addons.netshoot object See values.yaml The common library supports adding a netshoot add-on to troubleshoot network issues within a Pod. It can be configured under this key.
addons.netshoot.enabled bool false Enable running a netshoot container in the pod
addons.netshoot.env object {} Set any environment variables for netshoot here
addons.netshoot.envList list [] All variables specified here will be added to the netshoot sidecar container See the documentation of the netshoot image for all config values
addons.promtail object See values.yaml The common library supports adding a promtail add-on to to access logs and ship them to loki. It can be configured under this key.
addons.promtail.args list [] Set promtail command line arguments
addons.promtail.enabled bool false Enable running a promtail container in the pod
addons.promtail.env object {} Set any environment variables for promtail here
addons.promtail.envList list [] All variables specified here will be added to the promtail sidecar container See the documentation of the promtail image for all config values
addons.promtail.logs list [] The paths to logs on the volume
addons.promtail.loki string "" The URL to Loki
addons.vpn object See values.yaml The common chart supports adding a VPN add-on. It can be configured under this key. For more info, check out our docs
addons.vpn.configFile object {"enabled":true,"hostPath":"/vpn/vpn.conf","hostPathType":"File","noMount":true,"type":"hostPath"} Provide a customized vpn configuration file to be used by the VPN.
addons.vpn.configFile.hostPath string "/vpn/vpn.conf" Which path on the host should be mounted.
addons.vpn.configFile.hostPathType string "File" Specifying a hostPathType adds a check before trying to mount the path. See Kubernetes documentation for options.
addons.vpn.env object {} All variables specified here will be added to the vpn sidecar container See the documentation of the VPN image for all config values
addons.vpn.envList list [] All variables specified here will be added to the vpn sidecar container See the documentation of the VPN image for all config values
addons.vpn.openvpn object See below OpenVPN specific configuration
addons.vpn.openvpn.username string "" Credentials to connect to the VPN Service (used with -a) Only using password is enough
addons.vpn.securityContext object See values.yaml Set the VPN container specific securityContext
addons.vpn.type string "disabled" Specify the VPN type. Valid options are disabled, openvpn or wireguard
affinity object {} Defines affinity constraint rules. [ref]
alpineImage object See below alpine specific configuration
alpineImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify the Alpine image pull policy
alpineImage.repository string "" Specify the Alpine image
alpineImage.tag string "v3.14.2@sha256:4095394abbae907e94b1f2fd2e2de6c4f201a5b9704573243ca8eb16db8cdb7c" Specify the Alpine image tag
args list [] Override the args for the default container
autoscaling object Add a Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
codeserverImage object See below codeserver specific configuration
codeserverImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify the code-server image pull policy
codeserverImage.repository string "" Specify the code-server image
codeserverImage.tag string "v4.0.2@sha256:48e7660ccfdc3cadc7f1a952cbb241d96412f79a7154ceb77b70bbc38484f224" Specify the code-server image tag
command list [] Override the command(s) for the default container
configmap object See below Configure configMaps for the chart here. Additional configMaps can be added by adding a dictionary key similar to the 'config' object.
configmap.config.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the configMap object {} configMap data content. Helm template enabled.
configmap.config.enabled bool false Enables or disables the configMap
configmap.config.labels object {} Labels to add to the configMap
controller.annotations object {} Set annotations on the deployment/statefulset/daemonset
controller.annotationsList list [] Set additional annotations on the deployment/statefulset/daemonset
controller.enabled bool true enable the controller.
controller.labels object {} Set labels on the deployment/statefulset/daemonset
controller.labelsList list [] Set additional labels on the deployment/statefulset/daemonset
controller.replicas int 1 Number of desired pods
controller.revisionHistoryLimit int 3 ReplicaSet revision history limit
controller.rollingUpdate.partition string nil Set statefulset RollingUpdate partition
controller.rollingUpdate.surge string nil Set deployment RollingUpdate max surge
controller.rollingUpdate.unavailable string nil Set deployment RollingUpdate max unavailable
controller.strategy string nil Set the controller upgrade strategy For Deployments, valid values are Recreate (default) and RollingUpdate. For StatefulSets, valid values are OnDelete and RollingUpdate (default). DaemonSets ignore this.
controller.type string "deployment" Set the controller type. Valid options are deployment, daemonset or statefulset
customCapabilities object {"add":[],"drop":[]} Can be used to set securityContext.capabilities outside of the GUI on TrueNAS SCALE
deviceList list [] Configure persistenceList for the chart here. Used to create an additional GUI element in SCALE for mounting USB devices Additional items can be added by adding a items similar to persistence
dnsConfig object {"nameservers":[],"options":[{"name":"ndots","value":"1"}],"searches":[]} Optional DNS settings, configuring the ndots option may resolve nslookup issues on some Kubernetes setups.
dnsPolicy string nil Defaults to "ClusterFirst" if hostNetwork is false and "ClusterFirstWithHostNet" if hostNetwork is true.
enableServiceLinks bool false Enable/disable the generation of environment variables for services. [ref]
env object {} Main environment variables. Template enabled. Syntax options: A) TZ: UTC B) PASSWD: '{{ .Release.Name }}' C) PASSWD: envFrom: ...
envFrom list []
envTpl object {}
envValueFrom object {}
externalInterfaces list [] Use this directly attach a pod to a SCALE interface. Please be aware: This bypasses k8s services
extraArgs list [] Add args in addition to the arguments set by default. Primarily for the SCALE GUI
global.fullnameOverride string nil Set the entire name definition
global.isSCALE bool false
global.nameOverride string nil Set an override for the prefix of the fullname
hostAliases list [] Use hostAliases to add custom entries to /etc/hosts - mapping IP addresses to hostnames. [ref]
hostNetwork bool false When using hostNetwork make sure you set dnsPolicy to ClusterFirstWithHostNet
hostname string nil Allows specifying explicit hostname setting
image.pullPolicy string nil image pull policy
image.repository string nil image repository
image.tag string nil image tag
imageSelector string "image" Image Selector allows for easy picking a different image dict, important for the SCALE GUI
ingress object See below Configure the ingresses for the chart here. Additional ingresses can be added by adding a dictionary key similar to the 'main' ingress.
ingress.main.annotations object {} Provide additional annotations which may be required.
ingress.main.enableFixedMiddlewares bool true disable to ignore any default middlwares
ingress.main.enabled bool false Enables or disables the ingress
ingress.main.fixedMiddlewares list ["chain-basic"] List of middlewares in the traefikmiddlewares k8s namespace to add automatically Creates an annotation with the middlewares and appends k8s and traefik namespaces to the middleware names Primarily used for TrueNAS SCALE to add additional (seperate) middlewares without exposing them to the end-user
ingress.main.hosts[0].host string "chart-example.local" Host address. Helm template can be passed.
ingress.main.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/" Path. Helm template can be passed.
ingress.main.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "Prefix" Ignored if not kubeVersion >= 1.14-0
ingress.main.hosts[0].paths[0] string nil Overrides the service name reference for this path
ingress.main.hosts[0].paths[0].service.port string nil Overrides the service port reference for this path
ingress.main.ingressClassName string nil Set the ingressClass that is used for this ingress. Requires Kubernetes >=1.19
ingress.main.labels object {} Provide additional labels which may be required.
ingress.main.middlewares list [] Additional List of middlewares in the traefikmiddlewares k8s namespace to add automatically Creates an annotation with the middlewares and appends k8s and traefik namespaces to the middleware names
ingress.main.nameOverride string nil Override the name suffix that is used for this ingress.
ingress.main.primary bool true Make this the primary ingress (used in probes, notes, etc...). If there is more than 1 ingress, make sure that only 1 ingress is marked as primary.
ingress.main.tls list [] Configure TLS for the ingress. Both secretName and hosts can process a Helm template.
ingressList list [] Configure ingressList for the chart here. Additional items can be added by adding a items similar to ingress
initContainers object {} Specify any initContainers here as dictionary items. Each initContainer should have its own key. The dictionary item key will determine the order. Helm templates can be used.
installContainers object {} These containers will be run, as an initcontainer, a single time at install only.
lifecycle object {} Configure the lifecycle for the main container
mariadb object See below mariadb dependency configuration
mariadb.url object {} can be used to make an easy accessable note which URLS to use to access the DB.
netshootImage object See below netshoot specific configuration
netshootImage.pullPolicy string "Always" Specify the netshoot image pull policy
netshootImage.repository string "" Specify the netshoot image
netshootImage.tag string "latest@sha256:505d3430ed7c1d43fed18dbd1177b76ecb6fc376113bc41d34da230c402a4855" Specify the netshoot image tag
networkPolicy object See below Configure networkPolicy for the chart here.
networkPolicy.egress list [] add or remove egress policies
networkPolicy.enabled bool false Enables or disables the networkPolicy
networkPolicy.ingress list [] add or remove egress policies
networkPolicy.policyType string "" add or remove Policy types. Options: ingress, egress, ingress-egress
nodeSelector object {} Node selection constraint [ref]
openvpnImage object See below OpenVPN specific configuration
openvpnImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify the openvpn client image pull policy
openvpnImage.repository string "" Specify the openvpn client image
openvpnImage.tag string "latest@sha256:bc3a56b2c195a4b4ce5c67fb0c209f38036521ebd316df2a7d68b425b9c48b30" Specify the openvpn client image tag
persistence object See below Configure persistence for the chart here. Additional items can be added by adding a dictionary key similar to the 'config' key.
persistence.config object See below Default persistence for configuration files.
persistence.config.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce" AccessMode for the persistent volume. Make sure to select an access mode that is supported by your storage provider! [ref]
persistence.config.annotations object {} Add annotations to PVC object
persistence.config.enabled bool false Enables or disables the persistence item
persistence.config.existingClaim string nil If you want to reuse an existing claim, the name of the existing PVC can be passed here.
persistence.config.forceName string "" force the complete PVC name Will not add any prefix or suffix
persistence.config.labels object {} Add labels to PVC object
persistence.config.mountPath string nil Where to mount the volume in the main container. Defaults to /<name_of_the_volume>, setting to '-' creates the volume but disables the volumeMount.
persistence.config.nameOverride string nil Override the name suffix that is used for this volume.
persistence.config.readOnly bool false Specify if the volume should be mounted read-only.
persistence.config.size string "999Gi" The amount of storage that is requested for the persistent volume.
persistence.config.storageClass string nil Storage Class for the config volume. If set to -, dynamic provisioning is disabled. If set to SCALE-ZFS, the default provisioner for TrueNAS SCALE is used. If set to something else, the given storageClass is used. If undefined (the default) or set to null, no storageClassName spec is set, choosing the default provisioner.
persistence.config.subPath string nil Used in conjunction with existingClaim. Specifies a sub-path inside the referenced volume instead of its root
persistence.config.type string "pvc" Sets the persistence type Valid options are: simplePVC, simpleHP, pvc, emptyDir, secret, configMap, hostPath or custom
persistence.configmap-example object See below Example of a configmap mount
persistence.configmap-example.mountPath string nil Where to mount the volume in the main container. Defaults to /<name_of_the_volume>, setting to '-' creates the volume but disables the volumeMount.
persistence.configmap-example.objectName string "myconfig-map" Specify the name of the configmap object to be mounted
persistence.configmap-example.readOnly bool false Specify if the volume should be mounted read-only.
persistence.custom-mount object See below Example of a custom mount
persistence.custom-mount.mountPath string nil Where to mount the volume in the main container. Defaults to /<name_of_the_volume>, setting to '-' creates the volume but disables the volumeMount.
persistence.custom-mount.readOnly bool false Specify if the volume should be mounted read-only.
persistence.custom-mount.volumeSpec object {} Define the custom Volume spec here [ref] object See below Example of a hostPath mount ref string "/dev" Which path on the host should be mounted. string "" Specifying a hostPathType adds a check before trying to mount the path. See Kubernetes documentation for options. string "" Where to mount the path in the main container. Defaults to the value of hostPath bool true Specify if the path should be mounted read-only. bool false Automatic set permissions using chown and chmod object See below Example of a Simple hostPath mount ref string "/dev" Which path on the host should be mounted. string "" Specifying a hostPathType adds a check before trying to mount the path. See Kubernetes documentation for options. string "" Where to mount the path in the main container. Defaults to the value of hostPath bool true Specify if the path should be mounted read-only. bool false Automatic set permissions using chown and chmod
persistence.secret-example object See below Example of a secret mount
persistence.secret-example.defaultMode int 777 define the default mount mode for the secret
persistence.secret-example.items list [{"key":"username","path":"my-group/my-username"}] Define the secret items to be mounted
persistence.secret-example.mountPath string nil Where to mount the volume in the main container. Defaults to /<name_of_the_volume>, setting to '-' creates the volume but disables the volumeMount.
persistence.secret-example.objectName string "mysecret" Specify the name of the secret object to be mounted
persistence.secret-example.readOnly bool false Specify if the volume should be mounted read-only.
persistence.shared object See below Create an emptyDir volume to share between all containers ref
persistence.shared.medium string nil Set the medium to "Memory" to mount a tmpfs (RAM-backed filesystem) instead of the storage medium that backs the node.
persistence.shared.sizeLimit string nil If the SizeMemoryBackedVolumes feature gate is enabled, you can specify a size for memory backed volumes.
persistence.temp object See below Create an emptyDir volume to share between all containers for temporary storage
persistence.temp.medium string "Memory" Set the medium to "Memory" to mount a tmpfs (RAM-backed filesystem) instead of the storage medium that backs the node.
persistence.temp.sizeLimit string nil If the SizeMemoryBackedVolumes feature gate is enabled, you can specify a size for memory backed volumes.
persistence.varlogs object See below Create an emptyDir volume to share between all containers ref
persistence.varlogs.medium string nil Set the medium to "Memory" to mount a tmpfs (RAM-backed filesystem) instead of the storage medium that backs the node.
persistence.varlogs.sizeLimit string nil If the SizeMemoryBackedVolumes feature gate is enabled, you can specify a size for memory backed volumes.
persistence.varrun object See below Create an emptyDir volume to share between all containers ref
persistence.varrun.medium string "Memory" Set the medium to "Memory" to mount a tmpfs (RAM-backed filesystem) instead of the storage medium that backs the node.
persistence.varrun.sizeLimit string nil If the SizeMemoryBackedVolumes feature gate is enabled, you can specify a size for memory backed volumes.
persistenceList list [] Configure persistenceList for the chart here. Additional items can be added by adding a items similar to persistence
podAnnotations object {} Set annotations on the pod
podAnnotationsList list [] Set additional annotations on the pod
podLabels object {} Set labels on the pod
podLabelsList list [] Set additional labels on the pod
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":568,"fsGroupChangePolicy":"OnRootMismatch","runAsGroup":568,"runAsUser":568,"supplementalGroups":[]} Configure the Security Context for the Pod
portal object {"enabled":false} Set the primary portal for TrueNAS SCALE
portal.enabled bool false enable generation of the portal configmap
postgresql object See below Postgresql dependency configuration
postgresql.url object {} can be used to make an easy accessable note which URLS to use to access the DB.
postgresqlImage object See below postgresql specific configuration
postgresqlImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify the postgresql image pull policy
postgresqlImage.repository string "" Specify the postgresql image
postgresqlImage.tag string "v14.1.0@sha256:10bb49f226ebbc0dcf831533fd01de2850323d3f06a66ed9a525a0ceabb73ae7" Specify the postgresql image tag
priorityClassName string nil Custom priority class for different treatment by the scheduler
probes object See below [ref]
probes.liveness object See below Liveness probe configuration
probes.liveness.custom bool false Set this to true if you wish to specify your own livenessProbe
probes.liveness.enabled bool true Enable the liveness probe
probes.liveness.path string "/" If a HTTP probe is used (default for HTTP/HTTPS services) this path is used
probes.liveness.spec object See below The spec field contains the values for the default livenessProbe. If you selected custom: true, this field holds the definition of the livenessProbe.
probes.liveness.type string "TCP" sets the probe type when not using a custom probe
probes.readiness object See below Redainess probe configuration
probes.readiness.custom bool false Set this to true if you wish to specify your own readinessProbe
probes.readiness.enabled bool true Enable the readiness probe
probes.readiness.path string "/" If a HTTP probe is used (default for HTTP/HTTPS services) this path is used
probes.readiness.spec object See below The spec field contains the values for the default readinessProbe. If you selected custom: true, this field holds the definition of the readinessProbe.
probes.readiness.type string "TCP" sets the probe type when not using a custom probe
probes.startup object See below Startup probe configuration
probes.startup.custom bool false Set this to true if you wish to specify your own startupProbe
probes.startup.enabled bool true Enable the startup probe
probes.startup.path string "/" If a HTTP probe is used (default for HTTP/HTTPS services) this path is used
probes.startup.spec object See below The spec field contains the values for the default startupProbe. If you selected custom: true, this field holds the definition of the startupProbe.
probes.startup.type string "TCP" sets the probe type when not using a custom probe
promtailImage object See below promtail specific configuration
promtailImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify the promtail image pull policy
promtailImage.repository string "" Specify the promtail image
promtailImage.tag string "v2.4.2@sha256:171e08dcdd1d6c09bff949c37ce4f4756b9ee0132f8d84631986faa223562a30" Specify the promtail image tag
rbac object See below Create a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
rbac.clusterRoleAnnotations object {} Set labels on the ClusterRole
rbac.clusterRoleBindingAnnotations object {} Set labels on the ClusterRoleBinding
rbac.clusterRoleBindingLabels object {} Set Annotations on the ClusterRoleBinding
rbac.clusterRoleLabels object {} Set Annotations on the ClusterRole
rbac.enabled bool false Enables or disables the ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding
rbac.rules object {} Set Rules on the ClusterRole
rbac.subjects object {} Add subjects to the ClusterRoleBinding. includes the above created serviceaccount
redis object See below Redis dependency configuration
redis.url object {} can be used to make an easy accessable note which URLS to use to access the DB.
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"4000m","memory":"8Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"10m","memory":"50Mi"}} Set the resource requests / limits for the main container.
schedulerName string nil Allows specifying a custom scheduler name
secret object {} Use this to populate a secret with the values you specify. Be aware that these values are not encrypted by default, and could therefore visible to anybody with access to the values.yaml file.
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"add":[],"drop":[]},"privileged":false,"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true} Configure the Security Context for the main container
service object See below Configure the services for the chart here. Additional services can be added by adding a dictionary key similar to the 'main' service.
service.main.annotations object {} Provide additional annotations which may be required.
service.main.enabled bool true Enables or disables the service
service.main.ipFamilies list [] The ip families that should be used. Options: IPv4, IPv6
service.main.ipFamilyPolicy string "SingleStack" Specify the ip policy. Options: SingleStack, PreferDualStack, RequireDualStack
service.main.labels object {} Provide additional labels which may be required.
service.main.nameOverride string nil Override the name suffix that is used for this service
service.main.ports object See below Configure the Service port information here. Additional ports can be added by adding a dictionary key similar to the 'http' service.
service.main.ports.main.enabled bool true Enables or disables the port
service.main.ports.main.nodePort string nil Specify the nodePort value for the LoadBalancer and NodePort service types. [ref]
service.main.ports.main.port string nil The port number
service.main.ports.main.primary bool true Make this the primary port (used in probes, notes, etc...) If there is more than 1 service, make sure that only 1 port is marked as primary.
service.main.ports.main.protocol string "HTTP" Port protocol. Support values are HTTP, HTTPS, TCP and UDP. HTTPS and HTTPS spawn a TCP service and get used for internal URL and name generation
service.main.ports.main.targetPort string nil Specify a service targetPort if you wish to differ the service port from the application port. If targetPort is specified, this port number is used in the container definition instead of the port value. Therefore named ports are not supported for this field.
service.main.portsList list See below Configure additional Service port information here.
service.main.primary bool true Make this the primary service (used in probes, notes, etc...). If there is more than 1 service, make sure that only 1 service is marked as primary.
service.main.selector object {} Override default selector
service.main.type string "ClusterIP" Set the service type Options: Simple(Loadbalancer), LoadBalancer, ClusterIP, NodePort
serviceAccount object See below Create serviceaccount
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool false Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
serviceList list See below Configure additional services for the chart here.
stdin bool false Determines whether containers in a pod runs with stdin enabled.
termination.gracePeriodSeconds int 10 [ref]
termination.messagePath string nil [ref]
termination.messagePolicy string nil [ref]
tolerations list [] Specify taint tolerations [ref]
topologySpreadConstraints list [] Defines topologySpreadConstraint rules. [ref]
tty bool false Determines whether containers in a pod runs with TTY enabled.
upgradeContainers object {} These containers will be run, as an initcontainer, a single time at each edit or update of the chart.
volumeClaimTemplates list [] Used in conjunction with controller.type: statefulset to create individual disks for each instance.
wireguardImage object See below WireGuard specific configuration
wireguardImage.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify the WireGuard image pull policy
wireguardImage.repository string "" Specify the WireGuard image
wireguardImage.tag string "v1.0.20210914@sha256:b7ae4f80183858ed6379b6f8f76f8ef4f1b474b222b8057e091ba0b4e5f62999" Specify the WireGuard image tag

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