
983 B

Installation Notes

  • Set USE_HTTPS to false, to use http for the web interface. However, if using ingress set USE_HTTPS to true.

  • Set USER_NAME to mc or whatever username that you want other than root, to set the user for the web interface.

  • Set USER_PASSWORD to MySuperSecurePass1 or an actual super secure password, to set the user pass for the web interface.

  • The servers are stored in /var/games/minecraft/*SERVER_NAME* so in order to add plugins/mods/additional files if the config volume is set to PVC(simple) which is to use the bash truetool to mount the pvc volume to a temporarily dataset/dir, here's the guide for truetool.

  • To add additional ports to run your minecraft servers, please follow the minecraft-java guide at the extra ports section.