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Invoke a graphical application on X-Server.
Invoke a graphical application, making sure an X server connection is active, start the x-server if needed, and if the application is remote, make sure the remote session has the correct DISPLAY values set.
Inputs to this cmdlet (if any)
Output from this cmdlet (if any)
General notes
Invoke-XApp xclock
Invoke-XApp xclock -Remote remote@example.com
The component this cmdlet belongs to
The role this cmdlet belongs to
The functionality that best describes this cmdlet
[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess, ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
# # Param2 help description
# [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Parameter Set 1')]
# [AllowNull()]
# [AllowEmptyCollection()]
# [AllowEmptyString()]
# [ValidateScript({$true})]
# [ValidateRange(0,5)]
# [int]
# $Param2,
# # Param3 help description
# [Parameter(ParameterSetName='Another Parameter Set')]
# [ValidatePattern("[a-z]*")]
# [ValidateLength(0,15)]
# [String]
# $Param3
Param (
# Param1 help description
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'Parameter Set 1')]
[ValidateSet('pwsh', 'bash', 'zsh', 'sh')]
[string]$RemoteShell = 'pwsh',
begin {
$null = Get-Command 'xlaunch' -ErrorAction Stop
if ( -not $(Get-Process -ProcessName 'vcxsrv' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) {
$local:LaunchCfg = $env:XLAUNCH_CONFIG
if ( -not $env:XLAUNCH_CONFIG ) {
New-TemporaryFile | Tee-Object -Variable 'LaunchCfg' | Remove-Item
Write-Verbose "LaunchCfg=$LaunchCfg"
if ( -not (Test-Path $LaunchCfg) ) {
Write-Verbose "Creating missing $LaunchCfg..."
New-Item -ItemType File -Path $LaunchCfg -Value @(
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
, '<XLaunch '
, ' WindowMode="MultiWindow"'
, ' ClientMode="NoClient"'
, ' LocalClient="False"'
, ' Display="-1"'
, ' LocalProgram=""'
, ' RemoteProgram=""'
, ' RemotePassword=""'
, ' PrivateKey=""'
, ' RemoteHost=""'
, ' RemoteUser=""'
, ' XDMCPHost=""'
, ' XDMCPBroadcast="False"'
, ' XDMCPIndirect="False"'
, ' Clipboard="True"'
, ' ClipboardPrimary="True"'
, ' ExtraParams=""'
, ' Wgl="True"'
, ' DisableAC="False"'
, ' XDMCPTerminate="False"'
, '/>' )
& xlaunch --run $LaunchCfg
process {
if ( -not "Command" ) {
Write-Warning "No command supplied, exiting."
if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("Target", "Operation")) {
if ( $Remote ) {
$local:RemoteCommand = "bash", "-c", "'DISPLAY=`"localhost:`"`$( xauth list | awk `"{ print `$1 }`" | cut -d: -f2 | tail -1 ) $Command'"
& ssh -i $PrivateKeyPath $Remote $RemoteCommand
end {