Modified Setup process to be an opt-in, live type

Also minor fix to edit-textfile to accept Path named property as input

(cherry picked from commit 272d3f91af836d094d5e19a14fbfa06331677eda)
This commit is contained in:
Gal Szkolnik 2021-04-23 17:41:59 +00:00
parent 22aa3ba435
commit 171409437b
2 changed files with 248 additions and 217 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
@ -6,20 +8,10 @@
[string]$GitURL = '',
[string]$My_PSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot
[string]$My_PSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot,
function _Setup {
[string]$GitURL = '',
[string]$My_PSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot)
## ProfileCode function (source) will contain the code to be written
@ -36,193 +28,12 @@ function ProfileCode_post_common {
# This loads the personal profile section from the $MyPSScriptRoot/profile.d directory
Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { . $_.Name }
## _Setup Logic starts here
. ProfileCode_common
if( -not $MyPSScriptRoot ) { throw '$MyPSScriptRoot does NOT exist!' }
if ( -not $NoGitAction ) {
if ( -not [bool]$(Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) {
throw "No git command found, you may either omit run with the -NoGitAction switch or install git and try again."
Push-Location $MyPSScriptRoot
if( Test-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot '.git') ) {
git pull
} elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Pull git repo from $GitURL into $MyPSScriptRoot ?") ) {
$local:tmpGitDir = New-TemporaryFile
Remove-Item $tmpGitDir
New-Item -Type Directory $tmpGitDir.FullName | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Cloning git repo [$GitURL] into temporary location ('$($tmpGitDir.FullName)')..."
$local:GitOutput = "$(& git clone $GitURL $tmpGitDir.FullName --no-checkout)"
Write-Verbose $GitOutput
Write-Verbose "Moving git repo from temp location to $MyPSScriptRoot . . ."
Copy-Item -Recurse (Join-Path $tmpGitDir.FullName .git) ./.git
Remove-Item $tmpGitDir.FullName
Write-Verbose "Checking out repo..."
$GitOutput = "$(& git checkout --force)"
Write-Verbose $GitOutput
Write-Verbose "Git operation done."
$local:ProfileSignature = [PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
Begin = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup - BEGIN ####'
End = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup - END ####'
Removed = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup - ----- ####'
Match = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup'
function New-ProfileSetupStatus {
param($Name, $Path, $Status, $Exist)
return [PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
Name = $Name
Path = $Path
Status = $Status
Exist = $Exist
$local:_profiles = $PROFILE | fl * -Force | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
$local:p = $($_ -split ' : [/A-Z\\]');
if ( $p[0] -match 'User' ) {
$local:_profile = $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts;
$local:randomSeed = "####$(Get-Random)####";
if ( $RemoveOnly -and $ConfirmPreference -eq 'High' -and (-not $PSBoundParameters -or -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) ) {
$script:ConfirmPreference = 'Low'
if ( $sudo -or $(Test-IsAdmin) ) { $_profile = $profile.AllUsersAllHosts }
$_profiles | Foreach-Object {
$local:p = Invoke-Expression "`$profile.$_"
$local:profileContent = $randomSeed;
$local:exists = Test-Path $p
$local:userFile = $($_ -match 'CurrentUser')
$local:cleanupValue = ''
if ( $exists ) {
if ( (Get-Content -Path $p | Out-String ) -match $ProfileSignature.Match ) {
Write-Verbose "Found code in [$_]'$p', preparing..."
$local:gate = $true;
$profileContent = Get-Content $p | ForEach-Object {
if ( -not $gate ) {
if ( $_ -match $ProfileSignature.End ) {
$gate = $true;
else {
if ( $_ -match $ProfileSignature.Match ) {
if ( $_ -match $ProfileSignature.Begin ) {
$gate = $false;
$cleanupValue = $ProfileSignature.Removed
return $randomSeed;
return $_
} else {
$profileContent += "`n`n$(Get-Content $p -Raw)"
if( -not( $profileContent -match $randomSeed ) ) { $profileContent = "$randomSeed`n$profileContent" }
$local:insertProfileCode = $false;
if ( ($p -eq $_profile) -and -not $RemoveOnly ) {
$insertProfileCode = $true
Write-Verbose "Inserting ProfileCode into $($_)..."
$cleanupValue = $((@(
$(Export-FunctionSource -NoHeader ProfileCode_pre_common),
$(Export-FunctionSource -NoHeader ProfileCode_common),
$(Export-FunctionSource -NoHeader ProfileCode_post_common),
) -join "`n" ).Trim().Replace(('$' + '_'), ('$$' + '_')))
$profileContent = $($profileContent -replace $randomSeed, $cleanupValue).Trim()
$local:shouldSudo = $sudo -and -not $userFile
$local:status = 'Skipped'
if ( $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue' ) { $ShowSkipped = $true }
# Test if new profile Content will be empty
if ( -not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($profileContent)) ) {
$status = "Need $(if($insertProfileCode){if($exists){'Setup'}else{'Init'}}else{'Cleanup'})"
if ( $sudo -or $userFile ) {
Write-Verbose "Writing content to $($_)..."
$local:tmpOutput = New-TemporaryFile -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false
$profileContent | Out-File $tmpOutput.FullName -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false
if ( $shouldSudo -and $( $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix' ) ) {
# Make sure the file has the right permissions on a Unix machine
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo chmod 'a+r' $tmpOutput.FullName
try {
$local:errMsg = $(Invoke-ExpressionEx -Confirm:$false -sudo:$shouldSudo @"
if( -not (Test-Path $(Split-Path -Parent $p)) ) { New-Item -Type Directory "$(Split-Path -Parent $p)" -Force };
`$null = Copy-Item "$($tmpOutput.FullName)" "$p" -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction Stop;
Remove-Item "$($tmpOutput.FullName)" -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"@ 2>&1)
if ( $errMsg ) {
Write-Error "$errMsg"
$status = $status -replace 'Need ', 'Failed '
else {
$status = $status -replace 'Need ', ''
catch {
Write-Error "Writing $p failed!"
else {
$status = "Need $status"
Write-Error "Cannot write into [$_]'$p'! Please re-run with sudo."
elseif ( ($Force -or $RemoveOnly) -and $exists ) {
$status = 'Need Removal'
if ( $sudo -or $userFile ) {
Write-Verbose "Removing [$_]'$p'..."
try {
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo Remove-Item $p
if ( -not (Test-Path $p) ) { $status = 'Removed' }
catch {
Write-Error "Removal of $p failed!"
else {
Write-Error "Cannot remove [$_]'$p'! Please re-run with sudo."
if ( $status -ne 'Skipped' -or $ShowSkipped ) {
if ( $shouldSudo -and $status -ne 'Skipped' ) { $status = "$status via sudo" }
New-ProfileSetupStatus -Name $_ -Path $p -Status $status -Exist $(Test-Path $p)
Remove-Item function:ProfileCode* -Confirm:$false
## ProfileCode_common (source) containing mandatory code for $PROFILE
function ProfileCode_common {
function Get-PowerShellPath {
function ProfileCode_common {[CmdletBinding()]param()
function Get-PowerShellPath {[CmdletBinding()]param()
Get-Process -PID $PID | ForEach-Object { $_.Path, $_.Parent.Path } | Where-Object { $_ -match $('(powershell|pwsh)' + "`$") } | Select-Object -First 1
@ -416,29 +227,249 @@ if ( -not (Test-Path $MyPSModulePath) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $MyPSModulePath -Force | Out-Null
Write-Verbose $(Get-Item $MyPSModulePath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)
Write-Verbose "`$MyPSModulePath = $(Get-Item $MyPSModulePath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName)"
# Establish local/personal Script Root and make sure it's in $env:Path
$local:p = Split-PathEnv $env:PATH
$local:My_PSScriptRoot = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyPSModulePath) Scripts
Write-Verbose "MyPSScriptRoot = $My_PSScriptRoot"
if ( -not (Test-Path $My_PSScriptRoot) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $My_PSScriptRoot -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Join-Path $My_PSScriptRoot base) -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Join-Path $(Join-Path $My_PSScriptRoot base) profile.d) -Force | Out-Null
if( -not $MyPSScriptRoot ) {
if( $My_PSScriptRoot -and -not (Test-Path $My_PSScriptRoot) ) {
throw "`$My_PSScriptRoot is defined ($My_PSScriptRoot) but path does NOT exist! stopping"
$local:My_PSScriptRoot = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyPSModulePath) Scripts
Write-Verbose "My_PSScriptRoot = $My_PSScriptRoot"
if ( -not (Test-Path $My_PSScriptRoot) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $My_PSScriptRoot -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Join-Path $My_PSScriptRoot base) -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $(Join-Path $(Join-Path $My_PSScriptRoot base) profile.d) -Force | Out-Null
$global:MyPSScriptRoot = $My_PSScriptRoot
$global:MyPSScriptRoot = $My_PSScriptRoot
$p = @($p[0], $(Join-Path $My_PSScriptRoot base)) + $($p | Select-Object -Skip 1)
$env:PATH = $p -join $PathEnvDelimiter
$SetupFromWeb = [bool]$(@( $SetupFromWeb, $sfw, $LoadCode ) | Where-Object { $_ })
if ( -not $SetupFromWeb ) {
_setup @PSBoundParameters
Get-Item function:_setup | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false
Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
ForEach-Object { . $_.Name -Confirm:$false }
if( -not (Test-Path $MyPSScriptRoot) ) {
throw "`$MyPSScriptRoot ($My_PSScriptRoot) path does NOT exist! stopping!"
Remove-Variable SetupFromWeb -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Confirm:$false
$local:p1 = Split-PathEnv $env:PATH | Select-Object -Unique
Write-Verbose "MyPSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot"
$p2 = @($p1[0], $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot base)) + $($p1 | Select-Object -Skip 1) | Select-Object -Unique
$env:PATH = $p2 -join $PathEnvDelimiter
Write-Verbose "PATH $(if( $p1.Count -eq $p2.Count ) { "modification" } else { "was modified"} )"
Remove-Variable -Name "p1","p2","My_PSScriptRoot"
## _Init Logic - writing starts here
function _Init {
[string]$GitURL = '',
[string]$My_PSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot,
if ( -not $NoGitAction ) {
if ( -not [bool]$(Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) {
throw "No git command found, you may either omit run with the -NoGitAction switch or install git and try again."
Push-Location $MyPSScriptRoot
if( Test-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot '.git') ) {
git pull
} elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Pull git repo from $GitURL into $MyPSScriptRoot ?") ) {
$local:tmpGitDir = New-TemporaryFile
Remove-Item $tmpGitDir
New-Item -Type Directory $tmpGitDir.FullName | Out-Null
Write-Verbose "Cloning git repo [$GitURL] into temporary location ('$($tmpGitDir.FullName)')..."
$local:GitOutput = "$(& git clone $GitURL $tmpGitDir.FullName --no-checkout)"
Write-Verbose $GitOutput
Write-Verbose "Moving git repo from temp location to $MyPSScriptRoot . . ."
Copy-Item -Recurse (Join-Path $tmpGitDir.FullName .git) ./.git
Remove-Item $tmpGitDir.FullName
Write-Verbose "Checking out repo..."
$GitOutput = "$(& git checkout --force)"
Write-Verbose $GitOutput
Write-Verbose "Git operation done."
$local:ProfileSignature = [PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
Begin = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup - BEGIN ####'
End = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup - END ####'
Removed = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup - ----- ####'
Match = '#### SZ Auto Profile Setup'
function New-ProfileSetupStatus {
param($Name, $Path, $Status, $Exist)
return [PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
Name = $Name
Path = $Path
Status = $Status
Exist = $Exist
$local:_profiles = @()
$local:_profile = $CustomInitScriptPath
$local:randomSeed = "####$(Get-Random)####";
if( $_profile ) {
$_profiles += ,$_profile
} else {
$_profiles = $PROFILE | fl * -Force | Out-String -Stream | ForEach-Object {
$local:p = $($_ -split ' : [/A-Z\\]');
if ( $p[0] -match 'User' ) {
$_profile = $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts;
if ( $sudo -or $(Test-IsAdmin) ) { $_profile = $profile.AllUsersAllHosts }
if ( $RemoveOnly -and $ConfirmPreference -eq 'High' -and (-not $PSBoundParameters -or -not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Confirm')) ) {
$script:ConfirmPreference = 'Low'
$_profiles | Foreach-Object {
$local:p = Invoke-Expression "`$profile.$_"
if( -not $p ) { $p = $_ }
$local:profileContent = $randomSeed;
$local:exists = Test-Path $p
$local:userFile = $($_ -match 'CurrentUser')
$local:cleanupValue = ''
if ( $exists ) {
if ( (Get-Content -Path $p | Out-String ) -match $ProfileSignature.Match ) {
Write-Verbose "Found code in [$_]'$p', preparing..."
$local:gate = $true;
$profileContent = Get-Content $p | ForEach-Object {
if ( -not $gate ) {
if ( $_ -match $ProfileSignature.End ) {
$gate = $true;
else {
if ( $_ -match $ProfileSignature.Match ) {
if ( $_ -match $ProfileSignature.Begin ) {
$gate = $false;
$cleanupValue = $ProfileSignature.Removed
return $randomSeed;
return $_
} else {
$profileContent += "`n`n$(Get-Content $p -Raw)"
if( -not( $profileContent -match $randomSeed ) ) { $profileContent = "$randomSeed`n$profileContent" }
$local:insertProfileCode = $false;
if ( ($p -eq $_profile) -and -not $RemoveOnly ) {
$insertProfileCode = $true
Write-Verbose "Inserting ProfileCode into $($_)..."
$cleanupValue = $((@(
$(Export-FunctionSource -NoHeader ProfileCode_pre_common),
$(Export-FunctionSource -NoHeader ProfileCode_common),
$(Export-FunctionSource -NoHeader ProfileCode_post_common),
) -join "`n" ).Trim().Replace(('$' + '_'), ('$$' + '_')))
$profileContent = $($profileContent -replace $randomSeed, $cleanupValue).Trim()
$local:shouldSudo = $sudo -and -not $userFile
$local:status = 'Skipped'
if ( $VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue' ) { $ShowSkipped = $true }
# Test if new profile Content will be empty
if ( -not ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($profileContent)) ) {
$status = "Need $(if($insertProfileCode){if($exists){'Setup'}else{'Init'}}else{'Cleanup'})"
if ( $sudo -or $userFile ) {
Write-Verbose "Writing content to $($_)..."
$local:tmpOutput = New-TemporaryFile -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false
$profileContent | Out-File $tmpOutput.FullName -WhatIf:$false -Confirm:$false
if ( $shouldSudo -and $( $PSVersionTable.Platform -eq 'Unix' ) ) {
# Make sure the file has the right permissions on a Unix machine
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo chmod 'a+r' $tmpOutput.FullName
try {
$local:errMsg = $(Invoke-ExpressionEx -Confirm:$false -sudo:$shouldSudo @"
if( -not (Test-Path $(Split-Path -Parent $p)) ) { New-Item -Type Directory "$(Split-Path -Parent $p)" -Force };
`$null = Copy-Item "$($tmpOutput.FullName)" "$p" -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction Stop;
Remove-Item "$($tmpOutput.FullName)" -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
"@ 2>&1)
if ( $errMsg ) {
Write-Error "$errMsg"
$status = $status -replace 'Need ', 'Failed '
else {
$status = $status -replace 'Need ', ''
catch {
Write-Error "Writing $p failed!"
else {
$status = "Need $status"
Write-Error "Cannot write into [$_]'$p'! Please re-run with sudo."
elseif ( ($Force -or $RemoveOnly) -and $exists ) {
$status = 'Need Removal'
if ( $sudo -or $userFile ) {
Write-Verbose "Removing [$_]'$p'..."
try {
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo Remove-Item $p
if ( -not (Test-Path $p) ) { $status = 'Removed' }
catch {
Write-Error "Removal of $p failed!"
else {
Write-Error "Cannot remove [$_]'$p'! Please re-run with sudo."
if ( $status -ne 'Skipped' -or $ShowSkipped ) {
if ( $shouldSudo -and $status -ne 'Skipped' ) { $status = "$status via sudo" }
New-ProfileSetupStatus -Name $_ -Path $p -Status $status -Exist $(Test-Path $p)
Get-Item function:_Init | Remove-Item -Confirm:$false
. ProfileCode_common
if( -not $MyPSScriptRoot ) { throw '$MyPSScriptRoot does NOT exist!' }
if( $WriteInitScript ) {
_Init @PSBoundParameters
Remove-Item function:ProfileCode* -Confirm:$false
if( $NoReloadScripts ) { return }
Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Reload-MyScripts"
. $_.Name -Confirm:$false

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]