scoop package support for [SessionData]

was supposed to be added with [SessionData] commit
This commit is contained in:
Gal Szkolnik 2021-06-29 15:06:01 -04:00
parent 6fb86bf855
commit 649b01ce1c
1 changed files with 15 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
if( -not $global:ThisSeszion -or $Force ) {
$global:MyModulesWarning = @()
if( -not (Test-Path variable:global:ScoopRefreshed) ) {
scoop autocomplete-on
$global:ScoopRefreshed = [SessionData]::Get("ScoopRefreshed",$false)
if( -not $ScoopRefreshed ) {
if( Test-Path (Join-Path $env:SCOOP last-scoop-refresh.clixml) ) {
if($Host.Name -ne 'Visual Studio Code Host' ) {
scoop refresh
} else {
Write-Warning ("No recorded time for last 'scoop refresh', to remedy, run 'scoop refresh' at least once manually." +
"`nIf the issue still persists, please run 'scoop alias-update' to update to latest refresh code, and try again.")
scoop autocomplete-on
if( Test-Path (Join-Path $env:SCOOP last-scoop-refresh.clixml) ) {
if($Host.Name -ne 'Visual Studio Code Host' ) {
scoop refresh
} else {
Write-Warning ("No recorded time for last 'scoop refresh', to remedy, run 'scoop refresh' at least once manually." +
"`nIf the issue still persists, please run 'scoop alias-update' to update to latest refresh code, and try again.")