Improvements and bug fixes
dcl, dcll and dcre were brokeen, fixed that Invoke-WebDownload given a URL, automatically deduce the file file. Get-GitHubReleaseAssets - Grab URLs from a GitHub release page. Invoke-DockerCompose updated to display progress while waiting on background jobs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
filter Out-Matched { $_ | Where-Object { $_ -match $MatchPattern } }
Set-Alias FinalOutput Out-Default
if( $MatchPattern ) { Set-Alias FinalOutput Out-Matched }
Invoke-WebRequest$GitHubProject/releases/$tag -ErrorAction Stop |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Links |
Where-Object href -match 'download/.*' |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty href |
ForEach-Object { "$_" } |
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"package": {
"Condition": [],
"Name": "GitHub"
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
process {
if( -not $OutputPath ) {
$OutputPath = Join-Path $(Get-Item $PWD) ''
} elseif( Test-Path -Type Container $OutputPath ) {
$OutputPath = Join-Path $(Get-Item $OutputPath) ''
if( $OutputPath -notmatch '[/\\]$' ) {
$outputFileName = Split-Path -Leaf $OutputPath
$OutputPath = Join-Path $(Split-Path -Parent $OutputPath) ''
if( -not (Test-Path $OutputPath) -and $Force ) {
New-Item -Type Directory $OutputPath
if( -not (Test-Path $OutputPath) ) { throw "Destination $OutputPath does not exists, aborting!" }
if( -not $outputFileName ) {
$outputFileName = Split-Path -Leaf $Url
$outputFileName = Join-Path $OutputPath $outputFileName
if( (Test-Path $outputFileName) -and -not $Force) {
throw "$OutputPath already exists"
Write-Verbose "About to start download from:`n`t$Url`n`tto`n`t$outputFileName`n"
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -OutFile $outputFileName
if( $PassThru ) { Get-Item $outputFileName }
@ -19,19 +19,45 @@
$script:JobQueue = @()
$script:JobQueue = @()
$script:CleanupJobQueue = @()
$script:CleanupJobQueue = @()
function CompleteJobs{
function CompleteJobs {
if( -not $JobQueue ) { return }
if( -not $JobQueue ) { return }
$local:currentJobQueue = $JobQueue
$local:currentJobQueue = $JobQueue
$JobQueue = @()
$JobQueue = @()
$CleanupJobQueue += $currentJobQueue
$CleanupJobQueue += $currentJobQueue.Job
Wait-Job $currentJobQueue | ForEach-Object {
$local:sw = [System.Diagnostics.StopWatch]::StartNew()
$local:progress = [ordered]@{
Activity = "Waiting for docker-compose..."
ItemCount = $currentJobQueue.Count
while( $true ) {
$local:activeJobs = $($currentJobQueue | Where-Object Done -eq $false)
$progress.CurrentOperation = "Processing: $($activeJobs.Name -join ', ')..."
$progress.ItemProgress = $currentJobQueue.Count - $activeJobs.Count
$progress.Elapsed = $sw.Elapsed
Show-Progress @progress
$local:doneJobs = $activeJobs |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Job |
Wait-Job -Any -Timeout 3
if( $doneJobs ) {
$doneJobs | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Receive-Job | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Receive-Job | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "---: $($_.Path) | $($_.Params)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "---: $($_.Path) | $($_.Params)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
foreach( $local:j in $currentJobQueue ) {
if( $j.Path -eq $_.Path ) {
$j.Done = $true
if( -not $($currentJobQueue.Done -contains $false) ) { break }
Write-Host '--- Background jobs completed' -ForegroundColor Green
Write-Host '--- Background jobs completed' -ForegroundColor Green
Show-Progress -Activity $progress.Activity -Completed
if( $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) {
if( $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) {
@ -81,7 +107,10 @@ foreach( $local:p in $CliParams ) {
$dcPathList | ForEach-Object {
$dcPathList | ForEach-Object {
$local:dcPath = Join-Path $_ 'docker-compose.yml'
$local:dcPath = Join-Path $_ 'docker-compose.yml'
if( -not (Test-Path $dcPath) ) { if( $Recurse ) { return } else { throw "ERROR: dcPath ($dcPath) does not exists" } }
if( -not (Test-Path $dcPath) ) {
if( $Recurse ) { return }
else { throw "ERROR: dcPath ($dcPath) does not exists" }
if( $Wait ) {
if( $Wait ) {
if( $WhatIfPreference ) {
if( $WhatIfPreference ) {
@ -100,14 +129,18 @@ foreach( $local:p in $CliParams ) {
Write-Verbose $nextActionDescription
Write-Verbose $nextActionDescription
if( $AsJob ) {
if( $AsJob ) {
$JobQueue += Start-Job -ArgumentList @($dcPath,$dcParams) -ScriptBlock {
$JobQueue += ([PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
Path = $dcPath
Name = Split-Path -Leaf $(Split-Path -Parent $dcPath)
Job = Start-Job -ArgumentList @($dcPath,$dcParams) -ScriptBlock {
[PSCustomObject] $([ordered]@{
[PSCustomObject] $([ordered]@{
Path = $dcPath
Path = $dcPath
Params = $dcParams
Params = $dcParams
Results = $(& docker-compose --file $dcPath $dcParams)
Results = $(& docker-compose --file $dcPath $dcParams)
Done = $false
} else {
} else {
& docker-compose --file $dcPath $dcParams
& docker-compose --file $dcPath $dcParams
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
if( $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) { $CliParams = @($CliParams,@($null)) }
if( -not $CliParams -or $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) { $CliParams = @($CliParams,@($null)) }
$CliParams[0] = @('logs','--tail=40','follow') + $CliParams[0]
$CliParams[0] = @('logs','--tail=40','follow') + $CliParams[0]
Invoke-DockerCompose -ProjectPath $ProjectPath -CliParams $CliParams
Invoke-DockerCompose -ProjectPath $ProjectPath -CliParams $CliParams
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
if( $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) { $CliParams = @($CliParams,@($null)) }
if( -not $CliParams -or $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) { $CliParams = @($CliParams,@($null)) }
$CliParams[0] = @('logs') + $CliParams[0]
$CliParams[0] = @('logs') + $CliParams[0]
Invoke-DockerCompose -ProjectPath $ProjectPath -CliParams $CliParams
Invoke-DockerCompose -ProjectPath $ProjectPath -CliParams $CliParams
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
if( $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) { $CliParams = @($CliParams,@($null)) }
if( -not $CliParams -or $CliParams[0] -is [string] ) { $CliParams = @($CliParams,@($null)) }
$CliParams[0] = @('restart') + $CliParams[0]
$CliParams[0] = @('restart') + $CliParams[0]
Invoke-DockerCompose -ProjectPath $ProjectPath -CliParams $CliParams
Invoke-DockerCompose -ProjectPath $ProjectPath -CliParams $CliParams
Reference in New Issue