Reload-MyScripts modified to check for past aliases that might block it
from working.
Aliases dir created with some basic aliases
Invoke-Sudo to make sudo command line calling simpler.
Reload-Scripts now loads Platform/OS specific scripts depending on
current state.
This required the SystemName class
sranger is an example of running ranger as sudo, but only in Linux.
Moved Get-MyAliases into Reload-MyScripts, and changed Reload-MyScripts
to load Aliases dynamically via the Aliases directory.
🔖✏️ Fixed $MyPSScriptRoot typo
✨ Get-ScopeDepth
🐛 Get-MyAliases didn't work correctly when sub-scoped, fixed the issue
🚚 Reload-MyAliases is now Reload-MyScripts
🐛 Reload-MyScripts loads scripts from $MyPSScriptRoot/profile.d subdir
📝 README updated to reflect change of script name and typo