Major Overhaul with Breaking Changes
split into packaged, default behavior moved into 'base' package
each package has a json package description file with criteria for
Modified Setup-Profile to refer to 'base' package path for auto loading
moved Linux aliases and command to 'base.linux' package
created 'docker' package to address docker supported systems
modified Get-MyScripts, Edit-MyScripts and Reload-MyScripts accordingly.
Dropped -System and sys.*, package json conditions will take care of it.
Supplied command to create/edit package json files:
- New-MyPackage
- Add-PackageCondition
- Set-MyPackage
Docker and Docker-Compose commands and aliases:
- dco: docker-compose
- dcc: docker-compose config
- dcedit/vidc/Edit-DockerCompose:
edit docker-compose.yml and satellite files
- dcdown.ps1
- dl/dll/dcl/dcll:
view docker/docker-compose logs
l : follow
ll : just list
- dx/dcx: docker / docker-compose exec
- dcdown: docker-compose down
- dcup: docker-compose up
- dcr: docker-compose run
- dcre: docker-compose restart
- dcreup: docker-compose up with force recreate
- di: docker inspect
A bunch of other aliases and tools:
- l/ll - shortcuts for ls -la
- Edit-MyConfig with MyConfig.class: Edit various configuration files
- Update-ArchOSz: my common update params for Arch all ready to run
- Update-UbuntuOSz: my common update params for Ubuntu all ready to run
- sz-df - a ps stylized df
- sz-du - what's the size of a dir
- sys.Linux/ls - a Linux specific ls (with all required configuration)
Works in progress (not completely tested yet):
- Stop-ProcessTree
- Update-OSz.ps1
- src/
Reload-MyScripts modified to check for past aliases that might block it
from working.
Aliases dir created with some basic aliases
Invoke-Sudo to make sudo command line calling simpler.