+ Get-DockerProcess modified to display volume mappings (Binds) as well
as docker-compose project names.
+ Reload-MyScripts will look for *.format.ps1xml files in the profile.d
directory and load the format data from it.
+ Get-DockerProcess output is typed and a TypeData.format.ps1xml file
was added to the package
+ Added _ll alias for easy posix ls -la output.
+ config.files.json modified for better neovim support.
Major Overhaul with Breaking Changes
split into packaged, default behavior moved into 'base' package
each package has a json package description file with criteria for
Modified Setup-Profile to refer to 'base' package path for auto loading
moved Linux aliases and command to 'base.linux' package
created 'docker' package to address docker supported systems
modified Get-MyScripts, Edit-MyScripts and Reload-MyScripts accordingly.
Dropped -System and sys.*, package json conditions will take care of it.
Supplied command to create/edit package json files:
- New-MyPackage
- Add-PackageCondition
- Set-MyPackage