dps is now an Alias to Get-DockerProcess
Get-DockerProcess has been cleaned up and search features added to it.
Added FromPowerShellCookbook, which loads a piece of code from the
module, but does not load the entire module.
MyConfig now includes ansible and tmux configs, also added -sudo switch
Get-PlexInfo added, with ability to read directly from Server
Invoke-ViaAnsible modified - cleaned up output
Added -Force to Edit-DockerCompose
dcc modified to read from raw log (which allows filtering by source, and
has timestamps)
Docker and Docker-Compose commands and aliases:
- dco: docker-compose
- dcc: docker-compose config
- dcedit/vidc/Edit-DockerCompose:
edit docker-compose.yml and satellite files
- dcdown.ps1
- dl/dll/dcl/dcll:
view docker/docker-compose logs
l : follow
ll : just list
- dx/dcx: docker / docker-compose exec
- dcdown: docker-compose down
- dcup: docker-compose up
- dcr: docker-compose run
- dcre: docker-compose restart
- dcreup: docker-compose up with force recreate
- di: docker inspect
A bunch of other aliases and tools:
- l/ll - shortcuts for ls -la
- Edit-MyConfig with MyConfig.class: Edit various configuration files
- Update-ArchOSz: my common update params for Arch all ready to run
- Update-UbuntuOSz: my common update params for Ubuntu all ready to run
- sz-df - a ps stylized df
- sz-du - what's the size of a dir
- sys.Linux/ls - a Linux specific ls (with all required configuration)
Works in progress (not completely tested yet):
- Stop-ProcessTree
- Update-OSz.ps1
- src/smartsudo.inc.ps1
Reload-MyScripts modified to check for past aliases that might block it
from working.
Aliases dir created with some basic aliases
Invoke-Sudo to make sudo command line calling simpler.
Reload-Scripts now loads Platform/OS specific scripts depending on
current state.
This required the SystemName class
sranger is an example of running ranger as sudo, but only in Linux.
Moved Get-MyAliases into Reload-MyScripts, and changed Reload-MyScripts
to load Aliases dynamically via the Aliases directory.
Setup-Profile: GitClone verbosity
Fixed: Existing $profile code will not be overwritten,
instead profile code will be inserted before existing code.
Fixed: status message is reflected correctly:
* Setup (replace/append)
* Init (file created)
* Clenaup (removal of code / deletion)
When profile code is removed, a placeholder remains behind,
this will allow correct replacement if another setup is performed
Switched to Invoke-ExpressionEx for sudo invocation.
Setup-Profile included, read all about it at
When running Edit-MyScript without parameters, the $MyPSScriptRoot path
will be sent (editing the directory)
Added ability to edit scripts with Edit-MyPrfiles, making editing
profiles alongside scripts easy.
🔖https://blog.lksz.me/editing-with-ease/✏️ Fixed $MyPSScriptRoot typo
✨ Get-ScopeDepth
🐛 Get-MyAliases didn't work correctly when sub-scoped, fixed the issue
🚚 Reload-MyAliases is now Reload-MyScripts
🐛 Reload-MyScripts loads scripts from $MyPSScriptRoot/profile.d subdir
📝 README updated to reflect change of script name and typo