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32 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Gal Szkolnik 38dab59d62 Make sure Z is loaded if it exists 2020-11-09 13:16:09 -05:00
Gal Szkolnik 8566ea6863 Better cross platform support
Edit-MyScript will pause if edit is running in background (conext
returning less than a second after launching editor)
Test-MyModules which loads at stratup now has specific platform lists
2020-11-09 13:06:17 -05:00
Gal 7dd40b7b82 Test-MyModules finalized, ready for work
Future imporvement will allow prompting for installation or a command to
automate following recommendations.
2020-11-05 00:29:04 -05:00
lksz 0d5522b8c7 test-modules startup script draft 2020-11-05 00:08:59 -05:00
Gal Szkolnik baa3ccd04d Updated MyConfig code to include modules
This is a prep for MyModules, a way to notify users that a module
installation is recommended for the features of the scripting
2020-11-05 00:00:18 -05:00
lksz f00e9090a5 Added ssh configuration to MyConfig
Added files to config.files.json file
2020-11-04 23:42:17 -05:00
lksz 524bce25de MyConfig modifications
Moved configuration into src/config.files.json, it will also load
src/config.files.local.json (which will not be included in the git repo)

Added Git-Path to resolve paths simply, even when Path does not exist.
2020-11-04 23:31:34 -05:00
Gal Szkolnik d85aec0480 Fixed a bug in FromPowerShellCookbook 2020-11-04 11:45:53 -05:00
lksz ac9c5ed352 Various additions
dps is now an Alias to Get-DockerProcess
Get-DockerProcess has been cleaned up and search features added to it.

Added FromPowerShellCookbook, which loads a piece of code from the
module, but does not load the entire module.
MyConfig now includes ansible and tmux configs, also added -sudo switch
Get-PlexInfo added, with ability to read directly from Server
Invoke-ViaAnsible modified - cleaned up output
Added -Force to Edit-DockerCompose
dcc modified to read from raw log (which allows filtering by source, and
has timestamps)
2020-11-04 10:58:04 -05:00
lksz 59a2949268 Moved Ansible invocation to sys.Linux 2020-11-01 01:19:26 -05:00
lksz 2302343a15 Get-PlexInfo and txm
sz-rsync, not expected to work yet.
2020-11-01 01:15:34 -05:00
lksz 4de25b4a56 Added -OneLine which outputs a PS table 2020-11-01 01:26:20 -04:00
lksz b1980e5820 Ansible support + sz-update alias 2020-11-01 00:55:38 -04:00
lksz 310103c2f7 A lot of new stuff
Docker and Docker-Compose commands and aliases:
- dco: docker-compose
- dcc: docker-compose config
- dcedit/vidc/Edit-DockerCompose:
    edit docker-compose.yml and satellite files
- dcdown.ps1
- dl/dll/dcl/dcll:
    view docker/docker-compose logs
    l : follow
    ll : just list
- dx/dcx: docker / docker-compose exec
- dcdown: docker-compose down
- dcup: docker-compose up
- dcr: docker-compose run
- dcre: docker-compose restart
- dcreup: docker-compose up with force recreate
- di: docker inspect

A bunch of other aliases and tools:
- l/ll - shortcuts for ls -la
- Edit-MyConfig with MyConfig.class: Edit various configuration files
- Update-ArchOSz: my common update params for Arch all ready to run
- Update-UbuntuOSz: my common update params for Ubuntu all ready to run
- sz-df - a ps stylized df
- sz-du - what's the size of a dir
- sys.Linux/ls - a Linux specific ls (with all required configuration)

Works in progress (not completely tested yet):
- Stop-ProcessTree
- Update-OSz.ps1
- src/
2020-10-31 17:10:32 -04:00
lksz 306e03874d Setup-Profile will update git scripts from git repo 2020-10-03 16:32:55 -04:00
Gal Szkolnik f4abdf1a2d Fixed minor cross-platfrom bug in Reload-MyScripts 2020-10-03 16:23:08 -04:00
lksz 968b6c2bbb Adding common commands + Minor modifications
Reload-MyScripts modified to check for past aliases that might block it
from working.
Aliases dir created with some basic aliases
Invoke-Sudo to make sudo command line calling simpler.
2020-10-03 16:17:11 -04:00
lksz 38aa7720de Added default env.ps1 2020-10-02 16:19:08 -04:00
lksz e86c7350be Create $PROFILE's parent dir if it doesn't exists 2020-10-02 15:54:23 -04:00
lksz 90e1723052 Change Move-Item to Copy-Item 2020-10-02 15:49:24 -04:00
lksz ccaaadf371 Setup fixed setup of MyPSScriptRoot (again) 2020-10-02 15:42:40 -04:00
lksz fe97c2880a Fixed cross linked device failing move of .git dir 2020-10-02 14:23:54 -04:00
lksz e14f00d98d Streamline setting of /home/szmedia/.local/share/powershell/Scripts during _setup 2020-10-02 14:16:23 -04:00
lksz a4c4334550 Merge branch 'master' of into master 2020-10-02 14:13:38 -04:00
lksz c25de685c1 Replaced -GitClone with -NoGitClone 2020-10-02 14:13:33 -04:00
lksz 5a119da010 Better instructions 2020-10-02 14:11:46 -04:00
lksz ef920fbb7d Fixed /home/szmedia/.local/share/powershell/Scripts assignment 2020-10-02 14:01:29 -04:00
lksz bb23d940ea Merge branch 'master' of into master 2020-10-02 13:24:35 -04:00
lksz eec4eb2cbe Updating with current instructinos 2020-10-02 13:04:17 -04:00
lksz 2d2a7bba5d System specific update
Reload-Scripts now loads Platform/OS specific scripts depending on
current state.
This required the SystemName class

sranger is an example of running ranger as sudo, but only in Linux.

Moved Get-MyAliases into Reload-MyScripts, and changed Reload-MyScripts
to load Aliases dynamically via the Aliases directory.
2020-10-02 12:45:04 -04:00
Gal Szkolnik a782d09b2c fixed scoping issue 2020-10-01 18:19:23 -04:00
lksz 0718bf28c7 Minor midifications 2020-10-01 00:28:57 -04:00
60 changed files with 679 additions and 105 deletions

Aliases/dcedit.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/dco.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/dps.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/edit Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/l.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/ll.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/sz-update.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/vi Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/vidc.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

Aliases/vim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

ConvertFrom-Base64.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
return [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($Base64String))

Edit-DockerCompose.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
$local:editCandidates = @('docker-compose.yml','.base.docker-compose.yml')
$local:editFiles = @()
foreach( $local:fileName in $EditCandidates ) {
foreach( $local:path in $ProjectPath ) {
$local:testPath = Join-Path $path $fileName
if( $Force -or $(Test-Path $testPath) ) { $editFiles += $testPath }
Edit-TextFile $editFiles
$editFiles | Select-Object -First 1 | ForEach-Object { docker-compose --file $(Resolve-Path $_) config -q }

Edit-MyConfig.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments)]
[ArgumentCompleter({ param (
[MyConfig]::_GetValidValues($wordToComplete,$true) | Sort-Object
if( -not $ConfigName ) {
([MyConfig]::_GetValidValues('',$true)) | Sort-Object
$local:ScriptPaths = [MyConfig]::GetConfigPaths($ConfigName,$Force)
Edit-TextFile -sudo:$sudo $ScriptPaths
$null = [MyConfig]::_GetValidValues('', $true)

View File

@ -9,6 +9,16 @@
[ArgumentCompleter({ param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
[ArgumentCompleter({ param (
@ -18,16 +28,24 @@
$local:possibleValues = [MyScript]::_GetValidValues($wordToComplete,$true)
if( $fakeBoundParameters.ContainsKey("System") ) {
$possibleValues = $possibleValues | Where-Object { $_ -match "^sys\.$($fakeBoundParameters.System)" } | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace "^sys\.$($fakeBoundParameters.System).",'' }
if( $System ) {
$EditRootPath = Join-Path $EditRootPath "sys.$System"
$local:ScriptPaths = @()
foreach( $local:p in $ImportFunction ) {
$local:f = Get-Command $p -Type Function
if( $f ) {
$local:sp = Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot "$p`.ps1"
$local:sp = Join-Path $EditRootPath "$p`.ps1"
if( $ForceImport -or -not (Test-Path $sp) ) {
Export-FunctionSource $p -NoHeader > $sp
} elseif ( -not $ForceImport ) {
@ -37,15 +55,29 @@ foreach( $local:p in $ImportFunction ) {
foreach( $local:p in $ScriptName ) {
$local:sp = Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot "$p`.ps1"
$local:sp = Join-Path $EditRootPath "$p`.ps1"
$ScriptPaths += $sp
if( -not $ScriptPaths ) {
$ScriptPaths += $MyPSScriptRoot
$ScriptPaths += $EditRootPath
foreach( $local:p in $ScriptPaths ) {
$local:parentPath = Split-Path -Parent $p;
if( -not (Test-Path $p) -and -not (Test-Path $parentPath) ) {
Write-Verbose "Creating missing path $parentPath..."
New-Item -Type Directory $parentPath
$local:sw = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew();
Edit-TextFile $ScriptPaths
if( $sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -lt 1 ) {
$null = Read-Host "Waiting before refreshing. Press <Enter> when you're done editing ( don't forget to save ;) )..."
Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
ForEach-Object { . $_.Definition }

Get-DockerProcess.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
$local:result = $(docker ps --format='{{ .Image }}\t{{ .Names }}\t{{ .Status }}\t{{ .Ports }}' |
ForEach-Object {
$local:l = $_ -split '\t';
[PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{Image=$l[0];Name=$l[1];Status=$l[2];Ports=$l[3] -replace ', ',"`n"})
} ) | Sort-Object Name
if( $MatchName ) {
$result = $result | Where-Object Name -match $($MatchName -join '|')
if( $MatchAny ) {
$result = $result | Where-Object { $_ | Out-String | Where-Object { $_ -match $($MatchAny -join '|') } }
if( $OrderBy ) {
$result = $result | Sort-Object $OrderBy
if( $PassThru ) { return $result }
$result | Format-Table -Wrap

View File

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
$local:allAliases = @()
$MyAliasScope = 0
$local:_scope = 0
$local:_done = $false
do {
try {
$local:newAliases += Get-Alias -Scope $_scope |
Where-Object {
($_.Definition -match "^$MyPSScriptRoot") -or ($_.Description -match '#MyAlias')
if( $newAliases ) {
$allAliases += $newAliases
$MyAliasScope = $_scope;
Write-Verbose "`$MyAliasScope is now set to $MyAliasScope"
} catch {
Write-Verbose "catch: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$_done = $_.Exception.Message -match 'The scope .* exceeds'
$_scope += 1
} until ( $_done )

Get-Path.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
try {
get-item $Path -Force -ErrorAction Stop |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
} catch {

Invoke-Sudo.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true,Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
. Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo $expr

View File

@ -6,41 +6,21 @@ The development of these is documented in my blog:
They are provided 'as is' for your review and for your reuse.
There is a [blog post]( about how to clone this repo and use it as your own.
The scripts all [assume]( the code below is part of one of your $PROFILE files.
The code establishes the following variables:
* `$PathEnvDelimiter` - Linux/Unix it's `:`, while in Windows it's `;`
* `$MyPSModulePath` - Location to place personal Modules
* `$MyPSScriptRoot` - Location of personal Scripts.
The code also makes sure `$MyPSScriptRoot` is in the `$env:PATH` environment vairable, and finally it calls [`Reload-MyAliases`]( if it exists.
This envrionment can be installed using one the following options:
### The Short, yet safer way
iwr | iex
$global:PathEnvDelimiter = $(if( $PSVersionTable.Platform -match 'unix' ) {':'} else {';'})
function Split-PathEnv {
$EnvPath -split $PathEnvDelimiter
$global:MyPSModulePath = Split-PathEnv $env:PSModulePath | Where-Object { $_ -match "^$(Resolve-Path ~)" }
This sets up the `$PROFILE` file, and initilizes the default dir `$MyPSScriptRoot` with a git clone of this repo.
The `` actually points to the [`Setup-Profile.ps1`](Setup-Profile.ps1) script, which means, that after you have the `Scripts` directory setup, you can call `Setup-Profile` to update the `$PROFILE` after the `Setup-Profile.ps1` has been modified (or updated via `git pull`).
if( -not $MyPSModulePath ) {
$MyPSModulePath = Resolve-Path ~/powershell/Modules
if( -not (Test-Path $MyPSModulePath) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $MyPSModulePath -Force | Out-Null
$env:PSModulePath = "$MyPSModulePath$PathEnvDelimiter$env:PSModulePath"
$local:p = Split-PathEnv $env:PATH
$global:MyPSScriptRoot = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyPSModulePath) Scripts
if( -not (Test-Path $MyPSScriptRoot) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $MyPSScriptRoot -Force | Out-Null
$p = @($p[0], $MyPSScriptRoot) + $($p | Select-Object -Skip 1)
$env:PATH = $p -join $PathEnvDelimiter
Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { . $_.Name }
### The Short, but with control option
$sfw=1; iwr | iex; _setup [-sudo] [-Force] [-NoGitClone] [-GitURL <alternative git URL>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
The key here is `$sfw=1`, which can be substitued with the more verbose `$SetupFromWeb=1`, this let's the [`Setup-Profile`](Setup-Profile.ps1) script know to just load it's content, but allow you to manually call it's internal function via `_setup`
### The 'I don't trust one liners, what's going on ?!?' option
You can always clone the git repo first, and only then run the [`Setup-Profile.ps1`](Setup-Profile.ps1) script.

View File

@ -1,21 +1,51 @@
$local:myAliases = [ordered]@{}
$myAliases.sudo = 'Invoke-Sudo'
$ = 'Edit-TextFile'
$myAliases.vim = 'Edit-TextFile'
$myAliases.nvim = 'Edit-TextFile'
$myAliases.nvim = 'Edit-TextFile'
$myAliases.l = 'ls.ps1'
$myAliases.ll = 'ls.ps1'
try { Get-Alias Get-MyAliases -ErrorAction Stop | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item "Alias:$($_.Name)" } } catch {}
function Get-MyAliases {
$local:allAliases = @()
$MyAliasScope = 0
$local:_scope = 0
$local:_done = $false
do {
try {
$local:newAliases += Get-Alias -Scope $_scope |
Where-Object {
($_.Definition -match "^$MyPSScriptRoot") -or (-not $ScriptsOnly -and ($_.Description -match '#MyAlias'))
if( $newAliases ) {
$allAliases += $newAliases
$MyAliasScope = $_scope;
Write-Verbose "`$MyAliasScope is now set to $MyAliasScope"
} catch {
Write-Verbose "catch: $($_.Exception.Message)"
$_done = $_.Exception.Message -match 'The scope .* exceeds'
$_scope += 1
} until ( $_done )
function getScriptName{param([string]$FullPath)
$FullPath -replace '\.ps1$','' -replace "^$([regex]::Escape($MyPSScriptRoot)).",''
$local:myAliases = [ordered]@{}
if( Test-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot Aliases) ) {
Get-ChildItem $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot Aliases) | ForEach-Object {
$myAliases[$_.BaseName] = Get-Content $_.FullName
$local:IsVerbose = [bool]($PSBoundParameters['Verbose'])
$local:MyAliasScope = 1
$script:MyAliasScope = 0
$local:oldAliases = . Get-MyAliases
$local:oldAliases = Get-MyAliases
$oldAliases = Get-Alias -Scope $MyAliasScope |
Where-Object Name -in $($oldAliases.Name + $myAliases.Keys)
@ -29,14 +59,30 @@ if( Get-Command Remove-Alias -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ) {
$oldAliases | ForEach-Object { Remove-Item "Alias:$($_.Name)" }
Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot '*.ps1') |
ForEach-Object {
if( $(. Get-ScopeDepth) -gt 0 ) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Try sourcing Reload-MyScripts instead of just running it" }
Get-ChildItem $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot profile.d) -Filter '*.ps1' | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Loading $(getScriptName $_.FullName)...";
". '$($_.FullName)';"
} | Invoke-Expression
$local:CommandsToAlias = (
@( $MyPSScriptRoot ) + $(
[SystemName]::_GetValidValues("",$true,$true) | ForEach-Object {
Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot "sys.$_"
)) | ForEach-Object {
if( Test-Path $_ ) {
Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $_ '*.ps1') | Where-Object Name -notmatch '\.inc\.ps1$'
$CommandsToAlias | ForEach-Object {
Write-Verbose "Creating alias for $(getScriptName $_.FullName) Script..."
Set-Alias $($_.BaseName) $_.FullName -Scope $MyAliasScope
foreach( $local:alias in $myAliases.Keys ) {
Write-Verbose "Adding $($alias) alias..."
Set-Alias -Name $alias -Value $myAliases[$alias] -Description '#MyAlias' -Scope $MyAliasScope
if( $(. Get-ScopeDepth) -gt 0 ) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Try sourcing Reload-MyScripts instead of just running it" }
Get-ChildItem $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot profile.d) -Filter '*.ps1' | ForEach-Object { ". '$($_.FullName)';" } | Invoke-Expression

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
[string]$GitURL = '',
[string]$MyPSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot
[string]$My_PSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot
function _Setup {
@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ function _Setup {
[string]$GitURL = '',
[string]$MyPSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot)
[string]$My_PSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot)
@ -40,12 +40,17 @@ Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { .
## _Setup Logic starts here
if ( $GitClone -and -not (Test-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot '.git')) ) {
. ProfileCode_common
if( -not $MyPSScriptRoot ) { throw '$MyPSScriptRoot does NOT exist!' }
if ( -not $NoGitAction ) {
if ( -not [bool]$(Get-Command git -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) ) {
throw "No git command found, you may either omit the -GitClone switch or install git and try again."
throw "No git command found, you may either omit run with the -NoGitAction switch or install git and try again."
if ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Pull git repo from $GitURL into $MyPSScriptRoot ?") ) {
Push-Location $MyPSScriptRoot
Push-Location $MyPSScriptRoot
if( Test-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot '.git') ) {
git pull
} elseif ( $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Pull git repo from $GitURL into $MyPSScriptRoot ?") ) {
$local:tmpGitDir = New-TemporaryFile
Remove-Item $tmpGitDir
New-Item -Type Directory $tmpGitDir.FullName | Out-Null
@ -53,14 +58,14 @@ Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { .
$local:GitOutput = "$(& git clone $GitURL $tmpGitDir.FullName --no-checkout)"
Write-Verbose $GitOutput
Write-Verbose "Moving git repo from temp location to $MyPSScriptRoot . . ."
Move-Item (Join-Path $tmpGitDir.FullName .git) ./.git
Copy-Item -Recurse (Join-Path $tmpGitDir.FullName .git) ./.git
Remove-Item $tmpGitDir.FullName
Write-Verbose "Checking out repo..."
$GitOutput = "$(& git checkout --force)"
Write-Verbose $GitOutput
Write-Verbose "-GitClone step done."
Write-Verbose "Git operation done."
$local:ProfileSignature = [PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
@ -166,7 +171,11 @@ Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { .
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo chmod 'a+r' $tmpOutput.FullName
try {
$local:errMsg = $(Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo "Move-Item $($tmpOutput.FullName) $p -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null" 2>&1)
$local:errMsg = $(Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo:$shouldSudo @"
if( -not (Test-Path $(Split-Path -Parent $p)) ) { New-Item -Type Directory $(Split-Path -Parent $p) -Force };
Copy-Item $($tmpOutput.FullName) $p -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null;
Remove-Item $($tmpOutput.FullName) -Force:`$$Force -ErrorAction Stop
"@ 2>&1)
if ( $errMsg ) {
Write-Error "$errMsg"
$status = $status -replace 'Need ', 'Failed '
@ -380,10 +389,10 @@ param([string]$EnvPath)
# Establish Module Path
$global:MyPSModulePath = Split-PathEnv $env:PSModulePath |
Where-Object { $_ -match "^$($(Resolve-Path ~) -replace '\\',"\\")" } |
Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } |
Get-Item | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1
Where-Object { $_ -match "^$($(Resolve-Path ~) -replace '\\',"\\")" } |
Where-Object { Test-Path $_ } |
Get-Item | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime -Descending |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName -First 1
if ( -not $MyPSModulePath ) {
$MyPSModulePath = $(Join-Path $(Join-Path $(Resolve-Path ~) 'powershell') 'Modules')
@ -397,25 +406,23 @@ Write-Verbose $(Get-Item $MyPSModulePath | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullNam
# Establish local/personal Script Root and make sure it's in $env:Path
$local:p = Split-PathEnv $env:PATH
$MyPSScriptRoot = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyPSModulePath) Scripts
Write-Verbose "MyPSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot"
if ( -not (Test-Path $MyPSScriptRoot) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $MyPSScriptRoot -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $MyPSScriptRoot/profile.d -Force | Out-Null
$local:My_PSScriptRoot = Join-Path (Split-Path -Parent $MyPSModulePath) Scripts
Write-Verbose "MyPSScriptRoot = $My_PSScriptRoot"
if ( -not (Test-Path $My_PSScriptRoot) ) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $My_PSScriptRoot -Force | Out-Null
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $My_PSScriptRoot/profile.d -Force | Out-Null
$global:MyPSScriptRoot = $MyPSScriptRoot
$global:MyPSScriptRoot = $My_PSScriptRoot
$p = @($p[0], $MyPSScriptRoot) + $($p | Select-Object -Skip 1)
$env:PATH = $p -join $PathEnvDelimiter
if ( -not $MyPSScriptRoot -or (Test-Path function:Test-IsAdmin, function:ConvertTo-Base64, function:Invoke-ExpressionEx, function:Get-PowerShellPath, function:Export-FunctionSource | Where-Object { -not $_ } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count) ) {
Write-Verbose "Calling ProfileCode inline..."
. ProfileCode_common
$SetupFromWeb = [bool]$(@( $SetupFromWeb, $sfw, $LoadCode ) | Where-Object { $_ })
if ( -not $SetupFromWeb ) {
_setup @PSBoundParameters
Get-Item function:_setup | Remove-Item
Get-Command Reload-MyScripts -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { . $_.Name }
Remove-Variable SetupFromWeb -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Stop-ProcessTree.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
$local:new_KillPIDs = @() + (Get-Process -name $processName | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ID)
$local:KillPIDs = @()
Do {
$KillPIDs += $new_KillPIDs | Where-Object { $_ -notin $KillPIDs }
Write-Verbose "Again"
Write-Verbose $new_KillPIDs -join ", "
$new_KillPIDs = $new_KillPIDs | ForEach-Object { Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_Process -Filter "ParentProcessId = $_" } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ProcessId
} Until ( -not $new_KillPIDs )
Write-Verbose "Done"
start-process powershell -ArgumentList "-command","Stop-Process -Force -Id @($($KillPIDs -join '', ''))" -WindowStyle Minimized

dcc.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
$ProjectPath | ForEach-Object { docker-compose --file $(Resolve-Path $(Join-Path $_ docker-compose.yml)) config | less }

dcdown.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker-compose down --timeout=3 --volumes --remove-orphans "$args"

dcl.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker-compose logs --tail=40 --follow "$args"

dcll.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker-compose logs "$args"

dcr.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker-compose run --rm "$args"

dcre.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker-compose restart "$args"

dcreup.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
$local:dcParams = [string]::Empty
if( $args ) {
$dcParams = $args | ForEach-Object {
if( $_ -match "(?:^'[^']+'$)|(?:^`"[^`"]+`"$)|(?:^[^\s]+$)" ) { $_ }
else { "'$($_.Replace( "'", "''" ))'" }
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --remove-orphans $dcParams && docker-compose logs --follow --tail 10 $dcParams

dcup.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
$local:dcParams = [string]::Empty
if( $args ) {
$dcParams = $args | ForEach-Object {
if( $_ -match "(?:^'[^']+'$)|(?:^`"[^`"]+`"$)|(?:^[^\s]+$)" ) { $_ }
else { "'$($_.Replace( "'", "''" ))'" }
docker-compose up -d --remove-orphans $dcParams && docker-compose logs --follow --tail 10 $dcParams

dcx.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker-compose exec "$args"

di.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker inspect "$args"

dl.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker logs --tail=40 --follow "$args"

dll.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker logs "$args"

dx.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
docker exec "$args"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# PowerShell Cookbook has a lot of code there, I'm only interested in
# the Add-ObjectCollector which adds an overloaded Out-Default version,
# which stores a history of output objects.
# One major problem with loading this from the module, is that when the
# module is removed the shell BREAKS.
# The code below, makes sure the module is removed, and then imports
# only the Add-ObjectCollector code from it.
# All I really want is the Out-Default function created by
# Add-ObjectCollector, and so, I'll also remove the function once done.
if( Get-Module PowerShellCookbook ) {
Remove-Module PowerShellCookbook
Import-Module PowerShellCookbook -Cmdlet Add-ObjectCollector
. Get-Command Add-ObjectCollector -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
Get-Item function:/Add-ObjectCollector | Remove-Item

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
class MyConfig { #: System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
hidden static [hashtable]$_HardCodedConfigDict = @{
'myconfig' = @($(Join-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot 'src') 'config.files.json'),
$(Join-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot 'src') 'config.files.local.json'))
'mymodules' = @($(Join-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot 'src') 'modules.json'),
$(Join-Path $(Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot 'src') 'modules.local.json'))
static [hashtable]GetConfigDictionary() {
$local:result = @{}
[MyConfig]::_HardCodedConfigDict.Keys | ForEach-Object { $result[$_] = [MyConfig]::_HardCodedConfigDict[$_] }
foreach( $local:jsonSource in $result.myconfig ) {
if( -not ( Test-Path $jsonSource ) ) { continue }
foreach( $local:prop in $(Get-Content $jsonSource | ConvertFrom-Json).PSObject.Properties ) {
$result[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
return $result;
static [string[]] GetConfigPaths([string[]]$ConfigNames,[switch]$Force) {
$local:configDirectory = [MyConfig]::GetConfigDictionary()
$local:result = [string[]]@()
$local:flat = $false
while(-not $flat) {
$flat = $true
$ConfigNames += $ConfigNames | ForEach-Object {
} | Where-Object { $_ -match '^#[\w-\.]+$' } | ForEach-Object {
} | Where-Object { $_ -notin $ConfigNames } | ForEach-Object {
$flat = false; $_;
$local:flatConfigList = $ConfigNames | ForEach-Object {
} | Where-Object { $_ -notmatch '^#[\w-\.]+$' }
$local:exists = $false;
$local:first = $null
foreach( $local:configPath in $flatConfigList ) {
if( -not $first ) { $first = $configPath }
if( $Force -or (Test-Path $configPath) ) {
$result += Get-Path $configPath
$exists = $true
if( -not $exists -and -not $Force ) {
$result += $first
return $result
static [string[]] _GetValidValues([string]$wordToComplete,[bool]$Strict) {
$local:possibleValues = [MyConfig]::GetConfigDictionary().Keys
return $(Get-PossibleArguments -WordToComplete $wordToComplete -FullValueSet $possibleValues -Strict:$Strict );
[String[]] GetValidValues() {
return [MyConfig]::_GetValidValues('',$true)

profile.d/Style.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Get-Command Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler | ForEach-Object { Set-PSReadLineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete }
Get-Command Set-Theme -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object { Set-Theme Paradox }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
class SystemName { #: System.Management.Automation.IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
static [string[]] _GetValidValues([string]$wordToComplete,[bool]$CurrentOnly,[bool]$Strict) {
$MyPSScriptRoot = "$global:MyPSScriptRoot";
$local:possibleValues = [ordered]@{}
$possibleValues.out = @()
$possibleValues.Current = @(
$($global:PSVersionTable.OS -split ' '|Select-Object -First 1).Replace('Microsoft','Windows'),
$possibleValues.out = $possibleValues.Current
if( -not $CurrentOnly ) {
$possibleValues.Platform = @( 'Windows','Linux','Unix' );
$possibleValues.Edition = @( 'Desktop', 'Core' );
$possibleValues.Exist = Get-ChildItem (Join-Path $MyPSScriptRoot "sys.*") | ForEach-Object { $_.Name -replace 'sys\.','' };
$possibleValues.out += $possibleValues.Platform + $possibleValues.Edition + $possibleValues.Exist
$possibleValues.out = $possibleValues.out |
Select-Object -Unique |
Sort-Object {
$local:sortName = "zz_$_";
if( $_ -in $possibleValues.Exist -and $_ -in $possibleValues.Current ) { $sortName[0] = "a" }
elseif( $_ -in $possibleValues.Exist ) { $sortName[0] = "b" }
elseif( $_ -in $possibleValues.Current ) { $sortName[0] = "c" }
if( $_ -in $possibleValues.Platform ) { $sortName[1] = "a" }
if( $_ -in $possibleValues.Edition ) { $sortName[1] = "b" }
return $(Get-PossibleArguments -WordToComplete $wordToComplete -FullValueSet $possibleValues.out -Strict:$Strict );
[String[]] GetValidValues() {
return [SystemName]::_GetValidValues('',$false,$true)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
$local:currentSys = [SystemName]::_GetValidValues('',$true,$true);
if( -not $global:MyModulesWarning -or $Force ) {
$global:MyModulesWarning = @()
[MyConfig]::GetConfigPaths('mymodules',$false) |
ForEach-Object {
$local:modules = $( Get-Content $_ | ConvertFrom-Json );
$currentSys | ForEach-Object { $modules."$_" } | Where-Object { $_}
} | Where-Object {
$local:m = $_
if( $( try {
-not (Get-Module -ListAvailable $m -ErrorAction stop)
} catch { $true }
)) {
$m -notin $global:MyModulesWarning
} | ForEach-Object {
$global:MyModulesWarning += $_
Write-Warning "Missing module: $_"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Get-Command Import-UnixCompleters -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
Set-UnixCompleter -ShellType Zsh

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# $env:DOMAIN_NAME=''
# $env:EDITOR='/usr/bin/nvim'

profile.d/env.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

profile.d/load-z.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Get-Module -ListAvailable z | Import-Module

src/config.files.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"neovim": [
"sz-shrc": "~/",
"sz-rc-all": [
"vi": "~/.virc",
"sz-local-rc": "~/",
"zshrc": "~/.zshrc",
"ansible": [
"sz-aliases-sh": "~/",
"vim": [
"sz-zshrc": [
"tmux": [
"ssh-pub": "~/.ssh/id_*.pub",
"ssh-id": ["~/.ssh/id_ed25519","~/.ssh/id_rsa"],
"ssh-auth": "~/.ssh/authorized_keys",
"ssh-conf": "/etc/ssh/sshd_config",
"ssh" : [ "#ssh-auth", "#ssh-conf", "#ssh-pub", "#ssh-id" ]

src/modules.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"Always": [
"Desktop": [
"Unix": [

src/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function smartsudo() {
[Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
if( $sudo -and -not $(Test-IsAdmin) ) {
Write-Verbose "Perofrming the following command line via SUDO:`n$($expr -join ' ')"
$local:base64command = ConvertTo-Base64 "$expr"
/usr/bin/env sudo pwsh -EncodedCommand $base64command
Write-Verbose "Perofrming the following expression in-line:`n$($expr -join ' ')"
Invoke-Expression "$expr"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
$local:content = $(try{(Get-Content /run/ -Raw -ErrorAction Stop)}catch{})
if( $FetchFromServer ) {
$local:creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($env:PLEX_USERNAME,$(ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText $env:PLEX_PASSWORD -Force))
$local:webResp = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers @{ "Content-Length" = "0"; "X-Plex-Client-Identifier" = "my-app" } -Credential $creds -Method Post -Uri ""
$local:plexHeaders = @{ "X-Plex-Token" = ([xml]$webResp.Content).user.authenticationToken }
$webResp = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $plexHeaders "http://${PlexHost}:32400"
$local:plexVersion = ([xml]$webResp.Content).MediaContainer.version
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "Plex Version: $plexVersion"
$webResp = Invoke-WebRequest -Headers $plexHeaders "http://${PlexHost}:32400/status/sessions"
$content = $webResp.Content
$local:PlexInfo = $(try{([xml]$content).MediaContainer}catch{})
$local:result = $PlexInfo.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject]@{
Object = $_
Type = $_.type
Library = $_.librarySectionTitle
Title = $(@($_.grandparentTitle,$_.parentIndex,$_.parentTitle,$_.index,$_.title) | Where-Object {$_}) -join ' | '
User = $_.User.title
Offset = [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($_.viewOffset).ToString() -split '\.' | select-object -first 1
Duration = [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($_.duration).ToString() -split '\.' | select-object -first 1
Player = "$($_.Player.Platform)|$($_.Player.State)"
# UpdateTime = [TimeSpan]::FromMilliseconds($_.).ToString()
} }
if( $PassThruOnly ) { return $result }
$result | Format-Table

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
[string[]]$Remotes = 'all',
if( (Test-Path './ansible.cfg') -or (Test-Path '/opt/ansible/hosts') -and (Test-Path '/opt/ansible/ssh_key_for_ansible') ) {
$ansible_cli += '-i', '/opt/ansible/hosts', '--private-key=/opt/ansible/ssh_key_for_ansible'
if( $Command ) {
$ansible_cli += '-a'
$ansible_cli += 'ANSIBLE_PYTHON_INTERPRETER=auto_silent '
$ansible_cli += '-a'
if( $NotPowerShell ) {
$ansible_cli += $(($Command -join '; ').Replace("'","\`$(printf '\x27')").Replace('"',"\`$(printf '\x22')"))
} else {
$ansible_cli += "pwsh -encodedcommand $(ConvertTo-Base64 $($Command -join '; '))"
if( $OneLine ) {
$ansible_cli += '--one-line'
$ansible_cli += $Remotes
$ansible_cli += $MoreArgs
$local:expr = $('& "'+$($ansible_cli -join '" "')+'"')
Write-Verbose $expr
$local:SaveConsoleColor = [Console]::ForegroundColor
Invoke-Expression $expr | ForEach-Object {
if( -not $OneLine ) { return $_ };
$local:res = $_.Split('|');
$res = [PSCustomObject]([ordered]@{
Machine = $res[0].Trim();
Status = $res[1].Trim();
RC = "$($res[2])".Trim();
Output = "$($res[3])".Trim();
if( $res.Status -match '^\w+!:' ) {
[Console]::ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Red
} else {
[Console]::ForegroundColor = [ConsoleColor]::Yellow
[Console]::ForegroundColor = $SaveConsoleColor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[CmdletBinding()]param([string[]]$Remotes = 'All')
Invoke-ViaAnsible -Command "git pull" -Remotes:$($Remotes.ToLower())

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
[string]$Mode = 'List'
$script:yayCli = "cat /run/check.yay.updates/list"
switch( $Mode ){
'Update' { $yayCli = "yay -Syu --needed --ignore docker,linux,linux-api-headers,linux-firmware,linux-headers,zfs-linux" }
'Auto' { $yayCli = "yay -Syu --needed --noconfirm --ignore docker || yay -Syu --needed --ignore docker,linux,linux-api-headers,linux-firmware,linux-headers,zfs-linux --noconfirm" }
'All' { $yayCli = "yay -Syu --needed" }
& sh "-c" "$yayCli" -replace '#args',"$args"

sys.Linux/Update-OSz.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
[string]$Mode = 'List'
$local:detectedDisistro = cat /etc/os-release | Select-String -Pattern "^ID=" | ForEach-Object { $_ -split '=' | Select-Object -Skip 1 }
switch ($detectedDisistro) {
'arch' { Update-ArchOSz -Mode:$Mode $args }
'ubuntu' { Update-UbuntuOSz -Mode:$Mode $args }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
[string]$Mode = 'List'
$script:aptCli = "echo 'not defined'"
switch( $Mode ){
'List' { }
'Auto' { $aptCli = "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade --auto-remove --assume-yes" }
default { $aptCli = "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade --auto-remove " }
& sh "-c" "$aptCli" -replace '#args',"$args"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[CmdletBinding()]param([string[]]$Remotes = 'All')
Invoke-ViaAnsible -Command "Update-OSz -Mode Auto" -Remotes:$($Remotes.ToLower())

sys.Linux/ls.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
$local:params = $args -join ' '
if( -not $params ) { $params = '-lah' }
/usr/bin/env ls --color=auto $params

sys.Linux/sranger.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo "`$env:TERM='tmux-256color'; `$env:EDITOR='$env:EDITOR'; ranger $args"

sys.Linux/sz-rsync.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#setopt dotglob
$szSrc="'$($args -join "','")'"
$szSrcCount=$(Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo "& find $szSrc -type f | wc -l )
Invoke-ExpressionEx -sudo "& rsync --archive --acls --xattrs --human-readable -v $szSrc /szmedia/media/ | pv -lepts $szSrcCount"
#unsetopt dotglob

sys.Linux/txm.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
tmux set-option mouse $args

sz-df.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
param([ValidateSet('KB','GB','TB')]$SizeUnitName = 'GB')
$local:zpool_cmd = $null
$local:excludeType = ''
$script:SizeUnit = Invoke-Expression "1$SizeUnitName"
$script:SizeRound = 2
$SizeUnit /= 1KB
function NewDataRow{param($Size,$Used,$Available,$Percent,$Source,$FSType,$Target)
"Size$SizeUnitName" = [Math]::Round($Size /$SizeUnit, $SizeRound)
"Used$SizeUnitName" = [Math]::Round($Used /$SizeUnit, $SizeRound)
"Available$SizeUnitName" = [Math]::Round($Available/$SizeUnit, $SizeRound)
'Used%' = [int]($Percent -replace '%$','')
Source = $Source
FSType = $FSType
Target = $Target
$local:df = @()
& df '--output=size,used,avail,pcent,source,fstype,target' |
Select-Object -Skip 1 | ForEach-Object {
$local:df = $_.Split(' ', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
NewDataRow $df[0] $df[1] $df[2] $df[3] $df[4] $df[5] $df[6]
} | Where-Object {
-not ($_.FSType -eq 'zfs' -and $_.Source -match '/')
} | Sort-Object -Property Target
#$zpool_cmd = get-command zpool | Where-Object CommandType -eq 'Application' | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Source
#if( $zpool_cmd ) {
# $excludeType = '--exclude-type=zfs'

sz-du.ps1 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
sudo /bin/du --human-readable --max-depth=1 --one-file-system $args | sort --human-numeric-sort --reverse