64 lines
2.3 KiB
64 lines
2.3 KiB
Set-PowerLinePrompt -PowerLineFont
$local:MyPowerLineSetup = [ordered]@{
Title = { "PSz" }
SetCurrentDirectory = $true
RestoreVirtualTerminal = $true
PowerLineCharacters = [ordered]@{
ColorSeparator = "$(
)$( $PromptCache.Separator.Trim()
)$( " "
ReverseColorSeparator = "$(
" "
)$( $PromptCache.ReverseSeparator.Trim()
)$( $PromptCache.ColorFiller
Separator = $(
ReverseSeparator = $(
Colors = [PoshCode.Pansies.RgbColor]::X11Palette |
Where-Object X11ColorName -match "^Gray\d" |
Sort-Object X11ColorName -Unique |
Where-Object {
0 -eq $([int]($_.X11ColorName -replace 'Gray','') % 11)
#@( [rgbcolor]"Grey18", [rgbcolor]"Grey65" )
#([rgbcolor]::ConsolePalette | Where ConsoleColor -eq ((get-host).ui.rawui.BackgroundColor)),
#@( [rgbcolor]"Grey18", [rgbcolor]"Grey65" ) #, [rgbcolor]"white", [rgbcolor]"red", [rgbcolor]"blue" )
Prompt = @(
{ Write-Host "" } # A spaced line without a ColorSeparator
{ New-PromptText -EBg VioletRed4 $MyInvocation.HistoryId }
{ Get-SegmentedPath -LengthLimit 30 }
{ Write-VcsStatus }
# Right-align block
{ "`t" }
{ "$($PromptCache.Username)@$($PromptCache.Hostname)" }
(Get-Elapsed -Format "{0:d\:h\:m\:s\.ffff}") `
-replace '\.(\d{1,3})\d*$','s $1ms' `
-replace '\:([^:]*)$','m $1' `
-replace ':([^:]*)','d $1' `
-replace '\b0+[dms]\b ','' `
-replace '( ?)\b0+(\d+ms)$','$1$2' `
-replace ' ?0ms','' `
-replace '^ *$','0'
{ Get-Date -Format 'HH:mm:ss' }
{ Get-Date -Format 'ddd(dd)' }
{ "$($PromptCache.OSName) " }
{ "`n" }
{ New-PromptText { "PS" } -Bg $Prompt.Colors[1] -Ebg Red; }
Set-PowerLinePrompt @MyPowerLineSetup
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Cyan "PowerLine Theme is ready, if you want to persist it, don't forget to run Export-PowerLinePrompt`n"