
57 lines
1.2 KiB

# This is Git's per-user configuration file.
# It is recommended to edit this using chezmoi:
# cz edit ~/.gitconfig
path = .config/sz.env/lib/delta.themes.gitconfig
name = {{ .gitName }}
email = {{ .gitEmail }}
helper = cache --timeout 21600
helper = oauth
# helper = oauth -device
[credential ""]
oauthClientId = a4792ccc-144e-407e-86c9-5e7d8d9c3269
oauthAuthURL = /login/oauth/authorize
oauthTokenURL = /login/oauth/access_token
# oauthDeviceAuthURL = /login/oauth/authorize
# oauthDeviceAuthURL = /login/oauth/authorize_device
# oauthScopes = read_repository
editor = nvim
pager = delta
defaultBranch = main
pager = delta
diffFilter = delta --color-only
features = colibri
navigate = true # use n and N to move between diff sections
line-numbers = true
side-by-side = true
tool = nvimdiff
prompt = false
[difftool "nvimdiff"]
cmd = "nvim -d \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\""
tool = nvimdiff
conflictstyle = zdiff3
prompt = true
[mergetool "nvimdiff"]
cmd = "nvim -d \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\" \"$MERGED\" -c 'wincmd w' -c 'wincmd J'"