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Default Helm-Values

TrueCharts is primarily build to supply TrueNAS SCALE Apps. However, we also supply all Apps as standard Helm-Charts. In this document we aim to document the default values in our values.yaml file.

Most of our Apps also consume our "common" Helm Chart. If this is the case, this means that all values.yaml values are set to the common chart values.yaml by default. This values.yaml file will only contain values that deviate from the common chart. You will, however, be able to use all values referenced in the common chart here, besides the values listed in this document.


Key Type Default Description
controller.replicas int 1 Number of desired pods
controller.revisionHistoryLimit int 3 ReplicaSet revision history limit
controller.rollingUpdate.partition string nil Set statefulset RollingUpdate partition
controller.rollingUpdate.surge string nil Set deployment RollingUpdate max surge
controller.rollingUpdate.unavailable int 1 Set deployment RollingUpdate max unavailable
controller.strategy string "RollingUpdate" Set the controller upgrade strategy For Deployments, valid values are Recreate (default) and RollingUpdate. For StatefulSets, valid values are OnDelete and RollingUpdate (default). DaemonSets ignore this.
controller.type string "statefulset" Set the controller type. Valid options are deployment, daemonset or statefulset
envFrom[0] string "openldapconfig"
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string ""
image.tag string "v1.5.0@sha256:0260d37c41f0c1207aaa642d7c786851385471a5ddf02bc6efc178241ddd8706"
persistence.varrun.enabled bool false
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup int 0
podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 0
replication.clusterName string "cluster.local"
replication.enabled bool false
replication.interval string "00:00:00:10"
replication.retry int 60
replication.starttls string "critical"
replication.timeout int 1
replication.tls_reqcert string "never"
secret.LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD string "ldapadmin"
secret.LDAP_CONFIG_PASSWORD string "changeme"
secret.LDAP_READONLY_USER_PASSWORD string "readonly"
secret.LDAP_READONLY_USER_USERNAME string "readonly"
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool false
securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool false
service.ldaps.enabled bool true
service.ldaps.ports.ldaps.enabled bool true
service.ldaps.ports.ldaps.port int 636
service.ldaps.ports.ldaps.targetPort int 636
service.main.ports.main.port int 389
service.main.ports.main.targetPort int 389
volumeClaimTemplates object {"data":{"enabled":true,"mountPath":"/var/lib/ldap/"},"slapd":{"enabled":true,"mountPath":"/etc/ldap/slapd.d/"}} Used in conjunction with controller.type: statefulset to create individual disks for each instance.

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