Using -ListAvailable with Get-Command to ensure no module loading is
attampeted while querying loaded commands.
This improved performance when certain modules have not been
loaded yet
+ Get-GitRepo - Clone or update a repo, with tag support
+ Get-GitHubReleaseTag - Grab tag from latest release page
+ Refresh-GitRepo - Stage all possible changes, discarding any
previously stageds changes
= GitHub repo is now git repo - as some code isn't GitHub specific
+ cat Alias for Get-Content
= Get-PossiblArguments improvement
= Invoke-WebDownload fix
= dcedit fixing bad argument processing
If Join-String is missing, the 'string' module, if not existing will be
installed and then imported.
Get-Path produced an error when used with wildcard, fixed it with string
Get-Path would output wildcard string when expansion didn't match, now
output will be blank.
+ base/Get-MyModules added
* base/profile.d/Test-MyModules modified to use Get-MyModules
* Setup-Profile modified so that sudo witll preserve environment
* Get-Path fixed bug introduced in last commit, Get-Path would fail when
file to be edited didn't exist
This all started because I wanted the UnixCompleters module and
initialization to move to the base.linux package.
* MyConfig.class modified to load from all modules
* Test-MyModules suppress empty entries
* removed unix entries from base/src/modules.json
+ created base.linux/src/modules.json
+ Get-Mount (mounts retuned as objects for easy filtering)
+ Get-RandomMacAddress (for easy MAC Address generation)
* Get-Path modified to resolve ~, also made it work with pipeline input
* Edit-TextFile streamlined by using modified Get-Path
* Added emacs and spacemacs to MyConfig
* dcup - attempt at cleaner output
+ added docker/profile.d/env.ps1 for default docker vars
dcl, dcll and dcre were brokeen, fixed that
Invoke-WebDownload given a URL, automatically deduce the file file.
Get-GitHubReleaseAssets - Grab URLs from a GitHub release page.
Invoke-DockerCompose updated to display progress while waiting on
background jobs.
Set-MyPackage has a template option that will create skelaton content
when a new package is created.
Add scoop package, so that refresh will occur automatically on
powershell launch if it hasn't been run in the past 3 hours.
+ ConvertTo-Zip, originally created to mass convert CBRs to CBZs
It will only be avilable when 7-zip is available (7z executable)
Features: Shows progress, can work recursively (preserving folder
structure), knows to move completed files.
+ Show-Progress: Shorthand for common progress related output
manipulation (calculation of completion based on time, or item count,
and verbose output if needeed)
+ ConvertFrom-TimeSpan: string output from timespan, used by
+ Get-Path updated to be more efficient (no need for exception handling)
+ PathProcessingFunctions loads a utility function GetShellSafePath
* Repair-Permissions added some status reporting
All dc... commands are now based on Invoke-DockerCompose.
dco is aliased to Invoke-DockerCompose.
dco_ is aliased to the docker-compose binary.
'&' and '!' shorthand introduced to dco to execut in bg as job and wait
for all bg jobs to complete respectively.