+= ConvertTo-Zip - autodetects unrar, prefers it on 7-zip - resolves
issues with some RAR extraction methods 7-zip does not support
+= Invoke-ExpressionEx - Added suppot for -WhatIf switch
++ Move-3Way - folder content comparative duplication
was written to normalize a comics media folder
== Moved aliases to base, they were wrongly created in docker.
Added [SessionData] static class to setup script
Utilized SessionData for scoop refreshing, so it will happen once per login session
- otherwise it's a nuisance.
+ Get-DockerProcess modified to display volume mappings (Binds) as well
as docker-compose project names.
+ Reload-MyScripts will look for *.format.ps1xml files in the profile.d
directory and load the format data from it.
+ Get-DockerProcess output is typed and a TypeData.format.ps1xml file
was added to the package
+ Added _ll alias for easy posix ls -la output.
+ config.files.json modified for better neovim support.
Refresh-HADeviceRegistry added prompts as well as generalization using
the profile.d set variables.
Added profile.d template file for smoother setup
Added HA Addon commands
When calling Edit-TextFile wihtout explicitly specifying -Path, multiple
files in command line would be passed on to editor incorrectly, with the
-Path explicitly specified, this now works in all versions of PowerShell
--one-line output is the default
added stopwatch timing to the default output
combined Status and RC into a single 2 element array, so that # of
columns would default to table format
Instead of -OneLine a -RawOutput switch was introduced to force full
Fixed Package condition testing which would fail, but also made it more
Fixed shell-loading-snippets because of the rename to Setup-ScriptEnv.
Using -ListAvailable with Get-Command to ensure no module loading is
attampeted while querying loaded commands.
This improved performance when certain modules have not been
loaded yet